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  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >경제학
  • 강의학기
    2018년 1학기
  • 조회수
<교재 및 출처>

- Feenstra, Robert and Alan Taylor. International Economics (2nd edition)

- Chang, Ha-joon (2008). Bad Samaritans: The Myth of Free Trade and the Secret History of Capitalism.

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Trade in the Global Economy I Structures and plans of this lectures are provided URL
비디오 Trade in the Global Economy II Overviews history of international trade URL
비디오 Trade in the Global Economy III Discusses important articles and major activities of GATT and WTO URL
2. 비디오 Ricardian Model I Basic concepts of the model - opportunity cost and comparative advantage, in particular- are explained URL
비디오 Ricardian Model II Overviews main concept of production possiblity frontier. URL
비디오 Ricardian Model III Explains what indifference curve is about and how domestic equilibrium is made without trade URL
비디오 Ricardian Model IV Explains how each country gains from trade by specializing the goods in which it has a comparative advantage. URL
3. 비디오 Specific Factors Model I Explains how this model is similar to or different from the Ricardian Model in terms of diminishing marginal products. URL
비디오 Specific Factors Model II Reviews microeconomic theories used in the Specific Factors Model URL
비디오 Specific Factors Model III Understand gains and losses from trade by analyzing output and input price changes made by trade when capital is fixed in each sector as a specific factor URL
4. 비디오 Hecksher-Ohlin Model I Explains basic assumptions of the model, including factor intensity and factor abundance, and go over relative labor demand URL
비디오 Hecksher-Ohlin Model II Understand gains losses from trade in the long-run when capital is mobile across sectors by analyzing output and input price changes made by trade URL
비디오 Problem Set Review: Ricardian Model Reviews problem set questions for the Ricardian Model URL
비디오 Problem Set Review : Specific Factors Model and Hecksher Ohlin Model Reviews problem set questions for the shor-run Specific Factors Model and long-run Hecksher-Ohlin Model URL
5. 비디오 Movement of Labor and Capital Between Countries I Understands the short-run effect of immigration on domestic output level and real wage URL
비디오 Movement of Labor and Capital Between Countries II Understands the long-run effect of international factor movements on domestic output level and factor prices and derives the Rybczynski Theorem URL
비디오 Movement of Labor and Capital Between Countries III Reviews problem set questions URL
6. 비디오 New Trade Theory I Compares the New Trade Theory with traditional ones from the aspects of economic models and gains from trade, and shed light on Krugmans contribution URL
비디오 New Trade Theory II As one pillar of the New Trade Theory, this lecture explains monopolistic competition from microeconomic aspects URL
비디오 New Trade Theory III As another pillar of the New Trade Theory, this lecture explains increasing returns to scale. The concept of elasticity is also added. URL
비디오 New Trade Theory IV Discusses what happens before and after trade, and explains gains from trade for consumers and producers URL
7. 비디오 Tariff I Begins a chapter on trade policies and introduce a case study on the U.S. steel tariff to discuss the political economy of imposing tariffs URL
비디오 Tariff II Reviews basic concepts of consumer surplus, producer surplus, efficiency, and the first fundamental theorem of welfare economics as tools for analyzing the effect of imposing tariff URL
비디오 Tariff III Explains gains and losses of imposing tariff by comparing consumer surplus, government revenue, and deadweight loss. URL
비디오 Tariff IV Explains the effect of imposing tariffs on large countries and seeks numerical solutions for the dead-weight loss URL
8. 비디오 Game Theoretic Approach I Explians basic elements of a game and principles of the prisoners dilemma URL
비디오 Game Theoretic Approach II Explains pure strategies, mixed strategies, and multiple Nash Equilibriium URL
비디오 Game Theoretic Approach III Analyze the effect of tariffs and export subsidies using game theories URL
9. 비디오 WTO and Trade Policies I Reviews major GATT articles and legal grounds for the so-called 3 remedies URL
비디오 WTO and Trade Policies II Reviews legal grounds for safeguards and find examples URL
비디오 WTO and Trade Policies III Reiviews legal grounds for anti-dumping duties and counterveiling duties URL
비디오 WTO and Trade Policies IV Reviews WTO is rules of origin URL
비디오 WTO and Trade Policies V Read Ch. 3 of "Bad Samaritans" written by Prof. Ha-Joon Chang as alternatives views URL
10. 비디오 Introduction to Macroeconomics I Introduces Macroeconomics as opposed to Microeconomics and explains GDP, consumption, investment, and government spending URL
비디오 Introduction to Macroeconomics II Overviews equilibrium in the goods market and examines how C, I, and G affect Y. URL
비디오 Introduction to Macroeconomics III Find equilibrium in the money market through its demand supply and examines relationship between money supply and interest rate URL
11. 비디오 Macroeconomic Policies I Investigates how fiscal and monetary policies (both expansionary and contractionary) affect equilibria in the goods market and money market, and introduces the crowd-out effect URL
비디오 Macroeconomic Policies II Compares the floating exchange rate scheme with the fixed on, and examines the relationship between exchange rates and macroeconomic policies URL
비디오 Macroeconomic Policies III Studies several cases for the international macroeconomic policies URL

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