
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    인문과학 >언어ㆍ문학 >영어학
  • 강의학기
    2013년 1학기
  • 조회수
English can be analysed and described in two different ways: meaning and grammar. That is, we can analyse English from the perspective of its meaning and the meaning of its constituent parts, and from the perspetive of its gramamtical structure and the grammar of its contituent parts. This course investigates the interactive areas of meaning and grammar in English.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 syllabus URL
문서 1. [1주차] introduction topics in English linguistics URL
비디오 1. [1주차] introduction topics in English linguistics URL
2. 문서 2. [2주차] lecture-2-intro Semantics vs. pragmatics URL
비디오 2. [2주차] lecture-2-intro Semantics vs. pragmatics (2013.03.07) URL
3. 문서 3. [3주차] chap2-adjective meanings meanings of words (adjective) URL
비디오 3. [3주차] chap2-adjective meanings meanings of words (adjective) (2013.03.12) URL
비디오 3. [3주차] chap2-adjective meanings chap2-more___chap3-noun URL
4. 문서 4. [4주차] chap2-more more on the meaning URL
5. 문서 5. [5주차] chap3-noun & chap4-verbs noun, verb URL
비디오 5. [5주차] chap3-noun & chap4-verbs chap2-more___chap3-noun URL
6. 문서 6. [6주차] situation types situation types URL
비디오 6. [6주차] situation types 2013.03.21_ch4-verbs___situation_types URL
7. 문서 7. [7주차] situation types-criteria situation types-eventualities URL
비디오 7. [7주차] situation types-criteria situation_types-_eventualities_2013.03.26 URL
8. 문서 8. [8주차] exercises-situation-types exercises- questions and answers URL
9. 문서 9. [9주차] sentence-relations Sentence relations and truth URL
비디오 9. [9주차] sentence-relations sentence-relations_(2013.4.9) URL
10. 문서 10. [10주차] figurative language exercises and figurative language URL
비디오 10. [10주차] figurative language exercises and figurative language_(2013.4.11) URL
11. 문서 11. [11주차] tense-aspect Tense and aspect exercise questions and answers URL
비디오 11. [11주차] tense-aspect Tense and aspect exercise questions and answers (2013.04.16) URL
12. 문서 12. [12주차] modality modality, scope and quantication URL
13. 문서 13. [13주차] pragmatics entailment, presupposition, implicature URL
비디오 13. [13주차] pragmatics entailment, presupposition, implicature_(2013.4.23) URL
14. 문서 14. [14주차] NPI NPI licensing URL
비디오 14. [14주차] NPI NPI licensing_(2013.04.25) URL
15. 문서 15. [15주차] metaphor Online Corpora (COCA), metaphor URL
비디오 15. [15주차] metaphor Online Corpora (COCA), metaphor URL
16. 문서 16. [16주차] metaphor2 kinds of metaphor URL
비디오 22. binding (2) more on binding and principles, Q&A_(2013.6.4) URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

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