
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >경제학
  • 강의학기
    2016년 2학기
  • 조회수
Law provides important incentives and constraints for the decisions of people and firms. This course analyzes how legal rules affect people’s behaviors as well as market outcomes by applying standard microeconomic toolbox. Also, it appraises whether current legal rules meet the social goal of efficiency.
Clio and the Economics of QWERTY
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Clio and the Economics of QWERTY concepts of institutions URL
비디오 institutions in economic history World Growth since 1800 URL
2. 비디오 a brief review of microeconomic theory Welfare economics 2, Private and social optimality, Market imperfections URL
비디오 a brief review of microeconomic theory Five sources of market imperfection, Positive ecternalities URL
3. 비디오 an economic theory of property Goals of property law, Transaction costs, Coase Theorem URL
비디오 an economic theory of property Expressing values, Behavioral law and economics URL
4. 비디오 an economic theory of property Regulatory takings URL
비디오 an economic theory of tort law The economic theory of tort liability, Precaution, A model of the decision to take care, Negligence URL
5. 비디오 an economic theory of crime and punishment The economic analysis of crime and punishment, Crime and punishment, Comparative crime rates, Six factors that played no role in the decline in crime URL
비디오 Health Insurance Principal-Agent Problem, Types of contracts, Application: Selfless or selfish doctors?, Monitoring to Reduce Moral Hazard URL
6. 비디오 The Vertical Boundarics of the Firm The vertical chain, Make versus Buy, Make or Buy Continuum URL
비디오 hold-up problem Rent and Quasi Rent, hold-up problem, Summary URL
7. 비디오 breach and reliance Why does the penalty for breach matter?, When is breach efficient? How do we get efficient breach? URL
비디오 breach and reliance breach and reliance URL
8. 비디오 Female Victimes of sexual Violence Female Victimes of sexual Violence URL
9. 비디오 breach and reliance breach and reliance URL
10. 비디오 beyond economics : rape, prostitution, murder homicide, rape URL
11. 비디오 other topics(time permitting) other topics
(time permitting)

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