
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >사회과학기타 >사회복지학
  • 강의학기
    2015년 2학기
  • 조회수
<교재 및 출처> Swanepoel, H., & Beer, F. D. (2006). Community Development: Breaking the Cycle of Poverty (4th Ed). Juta Academic, Lansdowne: South Africa

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Development context Developing countries: Poverty, illbeing and wellbeing, shelter, unemployment URL
비디오 Case study presentation Deprivation trap URL
2. 비디오 Saemaul Undong project Saemaul Undong, Korean War, society conflict, poverrty, URL
3. 비디오 stakeholders in community / 아동공동생활가정 finding ways to co-ordinate community development URL
4. 비디오 The principles of community development ethical principles, practical principles URL
5. 비디오 The outcome of community development& The community as main actor in community development awarness creation, further development, community building URL
6. 비디오 community development workers and their organizations operational strategy, relationship between community development workers and their organization URL
7. 비디오 신촌 재창조를 위한 노력, 향후 도시재생 추진 계획 2년전 신촌의 모습, 신촌 혁신 방안 URL
비디오 strategic plan identify local issue, intensive process benefit, infrasturcture problem, utility problem URL
8. 비디오 communication skills for the development worker overcome the barriers to communication URL
9. 비디오 지역주민조직 함께' 라는 이름의 무게, 그리고 열매 URL
10. 비디오 Confilict resolution, Mediation and Negotiation causes of conflict Negotiation as conflic resoultion The ABC successful outcomes URL
11. 비디오 mobilization and motivation opening questions, relationship between behavior and motivation URL
12. 비디오 operational writing business plan, the ten sins of fundraising URL
비디오 meetings meeting cycle tyes of meeting& common problems encountered in meeetings URL
13. 비디오 Public speaking prepariton, basic characteristics of effective verbal communication URL
14. 비디오 단절된 사회- 지역사회발전 협동조합: 단절된 사회를 하나로 URL
15. 비디오 지역 사회 배경&신보헤미안 문화프로젝트 지역 네트워크 활성화, URL

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