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  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >사회과학기타 >사회복지학
  • 강의학기
    2016년 1학기
  • 조회수
<교재 및 출처> Edwards, R.L., & Yankey, J.A. (2006). Effectively Managing Nonprofit Organizations. Washington,D.C.:NASWPress.

Hasenfeld, Y. (1992). Human Services as Complex Organizations. Newbury Park:Sage Publications.

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Management in the human services 1. Social work management 2. The importance of management 3. Management_Areas of contribution URL
2. 비디오 Management in the human services/The nature of human service organizations 1. The human services institution 2. Administration defined: functions and roles 3. Management practice in a human services context 4. The nature of human service organizations URL
3. 비디오 The nature of human service organizations 1. The nature of human service organizations 2. The enigma of human service organizations 3. People as "Raw Material" 4. Human service as moral work 5. Human service as gendered work 6. The primacy of the institutional environment 7. Client reactivity, Service trajectory&Client compliance URL
4. 비디오 Leadership/Management theories and concepts 1. Leadership defined 2. Leadership theories and models URL
5. 비디오 Managing planned change strategic management 1. Planning and managing strategically 2. Logic and methodology 3. Strategic change portfolio process 4. Boards and budgets URL
6. 비디오 Strategic management process/Strategic planning example 1. Strategic management process 2. The ABCS of strategic planning 4. The strategy change cycle 5. Strategic planning example URL
7. 비디오 Managing the finances of nonprofit organizations 1. Managing the finances of nonprofit organizations 2. Financial statements 3. Statement of financial position 4. Statement of activities 5. Statement of cash flows URL
8. 비디오 Managing the finances of nonprofit organizations/재정관리 1. Budget and control mechanisms 2. The language of budgeting 3. The budget cycle 4. 예산의 의의와 원칙 5. 재정관리 과정 URL
9. 비디오 사회복지기관의 재정관리 1. 사회복지기관 재정관리의 목적과 특성 2. 재정관리의 근거법령 3. 재정관리의 주요개념 4. 예산의 수립방법 URL
10. 비디오 Building the capacity to lead innovation 1. Traveling the change path 2. Effective change leadership and management process 3. Beyond quick fixes: the three capacity approacy 4. Changing to get ready for change URL
11. 비디오 Agency-Environment relations organizational development and innovation/Human resource management 1. Laying the foundation 2. Public advocacy 3. Domain of HR management 4. HR process URL
12. 비디오 Human resource management/Diversity, Inclusion and job performance for Korean employees HR process URL
13. 비디오 Human resource management 1. Domain of HR management 2. HR process URL
14. 비디오 Final paper presentation Final paper presentation URL

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