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    사회과학 >사회과학기타 >사회학
  • 강의학기
    2014년 2학기
  • 조회수
"좋은 사회란 어떠 사회인가?" 이 질문에 대한 답을 찾기 위해 본 수업에서는 사회제도와 개인의 행복사이의 관계에 주목한다. 학기가 진행되는 동안 수강생들은 개인 및 국가 수준에서 행복을 설명하는 다양한 사회학적, 심리학적 접근들을 배우게 된다.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Why Do We Study Sociology? 1. What is happiness? 2. Goals of Happiness Research 3. What can we learn from sociological happiness studies? URL
2. 문서 Locating Happiness Research in Sociology 1. Understanding Social Structure and Perspective (SSP) 2. What are the three components of SSP perspective? 3. How can we apply SSP perspective in happiness research? URL
3. 문서 Theoretical Perspectives ofHappiness Research (1) 1. How can we explain happiness difference? (1) Needs approach (2) Relative standards approach 2. Compare needs and relative standard approaches URL
4. 문서 Theoretical Perspectives ofHappiness Research (2) 1. How can we explain happiness difference? (3) Cultural approach 2. Combine needs, relative standards, and cultural approahces URL
5. 문서 How to Measure Subjective Well-Being? 1. How to improve data quality in happiness research? 2. Issues of Happiness Measurement 3. How to collect happiness data? URL
6. 문서 Materialism and Happiness 1. What is the relationship of money and happiness? 2. What is Easterlin's paradox? 3. Effects of materialism on happiness URL
7. 문서 Marriage, Cohabitation, and Happiness (1) 1. Are married happier than single? 2. Cultural effects on the relationship of marriage and happiness 3. Effects of cohabitation on happiness URL
8. 문서 Marriage, Cohabitation, and Happiness (2) 1. Survey of empirical findings on marriage, cohabitation, and happiness 2. What are the effects of marital status on happiness in Korea? URL
9. 문서 Correlates of Happiness (1): Age, Biology 1. What are effects of age on happiness? 2. How to combine biological and social factors in happiness research? URL
10. 문서 Correlates of Happiness (2): Education, Religion, Friends 1. What are effects of education on happiness? 2. What are effects of religion on happiness? 3. What are effects of friends on happiness? URL
11. 문서 Culture and Happiness 1. What makes up happiness in different cultures? 2. Why are some cultures happier than others? 3. When does culture matter? URL
12. 문서 Happiness Research for Children and Youth 1. Why are Korean kids are unhappy? 2. Happiness in childhood, why important? URL

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