
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    자연과학 >수학ㆍ물리ㆍ천문ㆍ지리 >물리학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 1학기
  • 조회수
나노소자 구조의 고안, 소재 처리, 제조 공정, 특성 분석, 집적화 방법 등을 가르친다. 특히, 최근에 제안된 나노구조 신소자 모듈의 집적화 공정이 발전해 온 과정을 다룬다.
Energy band theory in solids (1)
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Energy band theory in solids (1) energy band diagram, density of states, intrinsic carrier concentrations, impurity
비디오 Energy band theory in solids (2) URL
비디오 Energy band theory in solids (3) URL
비디오 Energy band theory in solids (4) URL
2. 비디오 Electrical properties of semiconductors (1) drift and diffusion currents, life time of minority carriers, continuity equation URL
비디오 Electrical properties of semiconductors (2) URL
비디오 Electrical properties of semiconductors (3) URL
3. 비디오 Current-voltage characteristics of pn junctions (1) built-in potential, diffusion theory, forward- and backward-bias conditions, depletion layer URL
비디오 Current-voltage characteristics of pn junctions (2) URL
비디오 Current-voltage characteristics of pn junctions (3) URL
비디오 Current-voltage characteristics of pn junctions (4) URL
4. 비디오 Capacitance-voltage and other characteristics of pn junctions (1) capacitance in abrupt junction, Poisons equation, breakdown mechanism, tunnel diodes URL
비디오 Capacitance-voltage and other characteristics of pn junctions (2) URL
비디오 Capacitance-voltage and other characteristics of pn junctions (3) URL
5. 비디오 Schottky diodes and fabrication of semiconductor devices (1) metal-semiconductor junction,
thermionic emission, lithography, impurity doping
비디오 Schottky diodes and fabrication of semiconductor devices (2) URL
비디오 Schottky diodes and fabrication of semiconductor devices (3) URL
비디오 Schottky diodes and fabrication of semiconductor devices (4) URL
6. 비디오 Operation principle of bipolar transistors (1) emitter, base, collector, current
transmission efficiency, current
amplification factor
비디오 Operation principle of bipolar transistors (2) URL
비디오 Operation principle of bipolar transistors (3) URL
비디오 Operation principle of bipolar transistors (4) URL
7. 비디오 Switching characteristics and bipolar integrated circuits(Ⅰ) (1) saturation and cut-off states, constant current source, operational amplifier, TTL URL
비디오 Switching characteristics and bipolar integrated circuits(Ⅰ) (2) URL
비디오 Switching characteristics and bipolar integrated circuits(Ⅰ) (3) URL
비디오 Switching characteristics and bipolar integrated circuits(Ⅰ) (4) URL
8. Mid-term examination Presentation
9. 비디오 Switching characteristics and bipolar integrated circuits(Ⅱ) (1) saturation and cut-off states, constant current source, operational amplifier, TTL URL
비디오 Switching characteristics and bipolar integrated circuits(Ⅱ) (2) URL
비디오 Switching characteristics and bipolar integrated circuits(Ⅱ) (3) URL
10. 비디오 Bipolar power devices (1) breakover characteristics, thyristor, GTO URL
비디오 Bipolar power devices (2) URL
11. 비디오 Characteristics of MOS diodes (Ⅰ) (1) ideal MOS diodes, accumulation,
depletion, and inversion conditions
비디오 Characteristics of MOS diodes (Ⅰ) (2) URL
비디오 Characteristics of MOS diodes (Ⅰ) (3) URL
비디오 Characteristics of MOS diodes (Ⅰ) (4) URL
12. 비디오 Characteritics of MOS diodes (Ⅱ) (1) surface potential, threshold voltage,
pulse response of MOS capacitance,
deep depletion
비디오 Characteritics of MOS diodes (Ⅱ) (2) URL
비디오 Characteritics of MOS diodes (Ⅱ) (3) URL
비디오 Characteritics of MOS diodes (Ⅱ) (4) URL
13. 비디오 Characreristics of MOSFETs (1) pinch-off, ID - VG and ID - VD
characteristics, subthreshold
비디오 Characreristics of MOSFETs (2) URL
비디오 Characreristics of MOSFETs (3) URL
14. 비디오 CMOS basic circuits (1) resistor-load inverter circuits, CMOS
inverter circuits, NAND and NOR circuits
비디오 CMOS basic circuits (2) URL
비디오 CMOS basic circuits (3) URL
비디오 CMOS basic circuits (4) URL
15. 비디오 Logic and memory Ics (1) microprocessors, FPGA, SRAM, DRAM,
nonvolatile memories
비디오 Logic and memory Ics (2) URL
16. Final-term exam Final-term exam

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