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The linkage between Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) appears at times clear and at other times fuzzy. But the linkage exists and it merits elaboration and explanation. This module invites readers to explore the various dimensions of the linkage through case studies of ICT applications in key sectors of development in Asia Pacific countries. The module also highlights key issues and decision points, from policy to implementation, in the use of ICTs to meet development needs. The aim is to foster a better understanding of how ICTs can be used for social and economic development, and to equip policymakers and programme managers with a developmentoriented framework for ICT-based and ICT-supported interventions in a range of social sectors.
ICTs and MDGs
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 ICTs and MDGs 1. Introduction to the Millennium Development Goals and the progress of the Asia Pacific region toward the achievement of these goals.
2. ICTs and the characteristics that make them strategic tools for development.
문서 ICTs and MDGs 소스URL
2. 비디오 Bridging the Digital Divide 1. Introduction to the Millennium Development Goals and the progress of the Asia Pacific region toward the achievement of these goals.
2. ICTs and the characteristics that make them strategic tools for development.
문서 Bridging the Digital Divide 소스URL
3. 비디오 Applications of ICTs in Development 1. The use of ICTs in specific MDG sectors.
2. Case studies of the diversity of ICT use.
3. Highlights both the strengths and the weaknesses one might find in ICT applications in key sectors of development.
문서 Applications of ICTs in Development 소스URL
4. 비디오 Application of ICTs Development 1. The use of ICTs in specific MDG sectors.
2. Case studies of the diversity of ICT use.
3. Highlights both the strengths and the weaknesses one might find in ICT applications in key sectors of development.
문서 Application of ICTs Development 소스URL
5. 비디오 Challenges to the use of ICTs in Development 1. Challenges in the application of ICTs for development.
2. The need for ICTD programmes and projects to be people-centric rather than technology-centric.
문서 Challenges to the use of ICTs in Development 소스URL
6. 문서 Academy Module1 Book 소스URL

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