
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >e-비지니스학
  • 강의학기
    2014년 2학기
  • 조회수
경영정보시스템이란 조직의 계획, 운영 및 통제를 위한 정보를 수립 저장 검색 처리하여 적절한 시기에 적절한 형태로 적절한 구성원에게 제공해줌으로써 조직의 목표를 보다 효율적 및 효과적으로 달성 할 수 있도록 조직화된 통합적 인간 기계시스템으로 정의되며 관리회계, OR, 경영과학, 경영 및 조직이론, 그리고 전산과학을 그 배경학문으로 한다. 따라서 본 과목에서는 세부적으로 1) MIS의 개념 및 구조, 2) MIS의 기술적 환경, 3) MIS 전략 및 계획, 4) MIS 확보 및 유지 5) MIS 평가 및 통제에 관한 배움으로써 경영정보시스템에 대한 인지도를 높이도록 한다.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Introduction to Management Information Systems • 01. Management Information Science • 02. Management Information Systems • 03. Management • 04. Information • 05. Systems URL
2. 문서 Management and Information Technology • 01. Information Technology • 02. Management Environment • 03. Innovation Management URL
3. 문서 Strategic Information Systems • 01. Organization for Information Systems • 02. Value Chain for Information Systems • 03. Competitive Advantage for Information Systems • 04. Management Innovation for Information Systems • 05. Management Strategy for Information Systems • 06. Strategic Information Systems URL
4. 문서 Acquisition of Management Information Systems • 01. Acquisition of Management Information Systems • 02. Methodology • 03. Development Model of Management Information Systems URL
5. 문서 Business Process Reengineering and Enterprise Resource Planning • 01. Business Process Reengineering • 02. Enterprise Resource Planning URL
6. 문서 Database and Data Warehouse • 01. Data • 02. Database • 02. Data Warehouse URL
7. 문서 Data Analysis • 01. Data Analysis • 02. Data Mining • 03. Social Network Analysis URL
8. 문서 Artificial Intelligence • 01. Artificial Intelligence • 02. Expert Systems • 03. Artificial Neural Network URL
9. 문서 Knowledge Management Systems • 01. Knowledge • 02. Knowledge Management • 03. Knowledge Management Systems • 04. Knowledge Management Resources URL
10. 문서 Decision Support Systems • 01. Decision Making • 02. Decision Support Systems • 03. Systems Related to Decision Support Systems URL
11. 문서 Connecting Information Systems 1 1 Management Information / 2014-2-WKU-MI-A11.pptx Prof. Dr. SSL in STEM of FP by C for LDV – pp. 1 Connecting Information Systems 1 Management Information Systems • Course Code: 166137-01 • Course Name: Management Information • Period: Autumn 2014 • Lecturer: Prof. Sync Sangwon Lee, Ph. D • Department: Business Administration • University: WONKWANG Management Information / 2014-2-WKU-MI-A11.pptx Prof. Dr. SSL in STEM of FP by C for LDV – pp. 2 • 01. Workflow Management Systems • 02. Document Management Systems • 03. Electronic Data Interchange • 04. Web Documents URL
12. 문서 Connecting Information Systems 2 • 05. Intranet vs. Extranet • 06. Collaboration of Information Systems URL
13. 문서 Controlling of Managing Information Systems 1 1 Management Information / 2014-2-WKU-MI-A13.pptx Prof. Dr. SSL in STEM of FP by C for LDV – pp. 1 Controlling of Managing Information Systems 1 Management Information Systems • Course Code: 166137-01 • Course Name: Management Information • Period: Autumn 2014 • Lecturer: Prof. Sync Sangwon Lee, Ph. D • Department: Business Administration • University: WONKWANG Management Information / 2014-2-WKU-MI-A13.pptx Prof. Dr. SSL in STEM of FP by C for LDV – pp. 2 • 01. Controlling Information Systems URL
14. 문서 Controlling of Managing Information Systems 2 • 02. Auditing Information Systems URL
15. 문서 Evaluating of Managing Information Systems 1 • 01. Evaluating Information Systems URL
문서 Evaluating of Managing Information Systems 2 • 02. Information Systems Economics URL

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