
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    자연과학 >수학ㆍ물리ㆍ천문ㆍ지리 >물리학
  • 강의학기
    2015년 1학기
  • 조회수
This class is an introduction to the physical principles of semiconductor devices and their fabrication technology. It is intended to incorporate the basics of semiconductor materials and conduction processes in solids, which arise repeatedly in the class when new devices are explained. One of the keys to success in understanding the semiconductor physics is to work problems that exercise the concepts. Therefore, three or four problems at the end of each chapter are assigned to the homework every week. In addition, we apply the knowledge learned in class directly to electronic devices such as pn junction and light-emitting diodes, through AMPS-1D Simulation. The class includes both silicon and compound semiconductors, to reflect the continuing growth in importance for compounds in optoelectronic and high-speed device applications.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Semiconductors: A general introduction We begin the discussion by examining the general nature of semiconducting materials. URL
2. 문서 Crystal structure We examine how one goes about describing the spatial positioning of atoms within crystals. URL
3. 문서 Semiconductor Models We introduce and describe two very important models or visualization aids that are used extensively in the analysis of semiconductor devices. URL
4. 문서 Equilibrium carrier concentrations We develop to lead the relationships for the carrier distributions and concentrations within semiconductors under equilibrium conditions. URL
5. 문서 Drift and diffusion We describe each primary type of carrier action qualitatively and then quantitatively relate the action to the current flowing within the semiconductor. URL
6. 문서 Recombination-generation We focus on the recombination-generation which is a nature’s order-restoring mechanism, the means whereby the carrier excess or deficit inside the semiconductor is stabilized or eliminated. URL
7. 문서 Fabrication processes The fabrication processes constitute the final preparatory step before the consideration and analysis of specific devices. The goal is to develop a general feel for the physical nature of device structures. URL
8. 문서 Introduction to pn junction We examine devices whose operation is intimately tied to the one or more pn junctions built in the structure. URL
9. 문서 pn junction electrostatics We develop quantitative relationships for the electrostatic variables in the pn junction. URL
10. 문서 Ideal diode equation We work to modeling the steady state response of the pn junction diode. URL
11. 문서 Reverse-bias breakdown We compare experiment and theory to identify the major deviations from the ideal diode. URL
12. 문서 pn junction diode: Capacitance We examine and model the small signal response of the pn junction diode. URL
13. 문서 Optics and photodiodes We consider special diode structures that are specifically designed and built for optical applications. URL
14. 문서 Solar cells We study two groups of photodevices converting photo-energy into electrical energy. One is a photodetector, and the other is a solar cell. Especially, we use AMPS-1D, a solar cell simulation program, to understand solar cells. URL

연관 자료


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