
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >국제경영 및 통상학
  • 강의학기
    2015년 2학기
  • 조회수
Provide students with concepts and tools to identify and evaluate the potential of small business ideas. In addition, to develop the business model and planning to transform attractive business ideas into real businesses.

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction - Overview of course - Introduction to Entrepreneurship - Who is Entrepreneur? URL
2. 비디오 The Entrepreneur - Introduction to Entrepreneurship - Who is the entrepreneur URL
3. 비디오 New Startup Education 1 - Lean startup Business model & lean canvas - Old vs New Startup Education Generating idea URL
4. 비디오 New Startup Education 2 - Lean startup Business model & lean canvas - Old vs New Startup Education Generating idea URL
5. 비디오 Ideation 1 - Methods of generating ideas URL
6. 비디오 Ideation 2 - Methods of generating ideas URL
7. 비디오 Idea Screening - Choosing attractive ideas - Idea screening frameworks URL
8. 비디오 Group Dynamics 1 - Group Dynamics; Customer - Improving team dynamics and outputs - Defining the first customers URL
9. 비디오 Group Dynamics 2 - Group Dynamics; Customer - Improving team dynamics and outputs - Defining the first customers - Two models : BMC mallingis, Market segments URL
10. 비디오 Customer; Problem - Defining the customer archetype - Jobs, pains & gains of first customer - Retail market URL
11. 비디오 Problem; UVP & Solutions; Channels 1 - First customer jobs, pains & gains - Unique value proposition - Solutions - product, pain relievers * pain creators - Marketing channels URL
12. 비디오 Problem; UVP & Solutions; Channels 2 - First customer jobs, pains & gains - Unique value proposition - Solutions - product, pain relievers * pain creators - Marketing channels URL
13. 비디오 Channels; Revenues; Costs - Marketing channels - owned/partner, direct/indirect, awareness/activation/purchase/delivery/after-sales - Revenue models & streams - Cost estimates URL
14. 비디오 Key Metrics - What are Key metrics - Typically, Metrics are Developed using Ratios - Startup Key metrics or Startup Accounting URL
15. 비디오 Key Metrics / Hypotheses Testing - Cost estimates - Key metrics of new venture success - Hypothesis testing claims - Competitive unfair advantage URL
비디오 Hypotheses Testing / Unfair Advantage Hypotheses Testing - What is a Startup Test? - Developing Cut-Offs - Not All Hypotheses Require a Test - Early Adopters - Customer: Activity - Interpreting Test Results Unfair Advantage - What isn't Unfair Advantage - So What is an Unfair Advantage? - Unique or Rare Resources - Tangible - Intangible URL
비디오 Startup Financials & Accounting - Intangible : Copyrights - Intangible : Trademarks & Servicemarks - Legally Protected IP? - Startup Financials Start with Revenues - Costs : Profits - Financial Analyses (Time) - Entrepreneurial Accounting URL
비디오 Group Presentations - Student group presentations of lean canvas - Business idea presentations - Business pitch URL

연관 자료


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