
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    자연과학 >생활과학 >식품공학
  • 강의학기
    2015년 2학기
  • 조회수
KFBT212 Introduction to Genetics course will examine the central dogma of molecular biology which is the logical explanation of the flow of genetic information within a biological system, and thus discuss DNA, RNA, and protein, and how their synthesis, such as DNA replication, transcription, RNA processing, and translation, is regulated as the fundamental architecture of the course.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Heredity, Genes, and DNA nature, Heredity, Unity, Inheritance of genes, Inheritance of Chromosome, genetic material, Nucleic acid, protein URL
2. 문서 Heredity, Genes, and DNA griffith experiment, transformation of bacteria, chargaff's rule, Molecular structure of DNA URL
3. 문서 Expression of Genetic Information Central Dogma, Replication of DNA, Role of messenger RNA, Discovery of introns, Role of introns, Determination of genetic code, Discovery of transfer RNA URL
4. 문서 Replication & Maintenance The flow of genetic information, DNA Replication, DNA Polymerase, Fidelity of DNA replication, Fidelity of DNA polymerase URL
5. 문서 Replication & Maintenance Semi-continuous DNA replication, Synthesis of leading & lagging strands of DNA, Continuous synthesis of lagging strands of DNA, Different polymerases in procaryotic and eukaryotic cells URL
6. 문서 Topoisomerase during DNA replication Coordinated DNA synthesis, Origin of replication, Priming of replication, Telomere & Telomerase: Maintaining the end of DNA, Termination of replication URL
7. 문서 RNA Synthesis and Processing RNA Synthesis and Processing, Structure of RNA polymerase, Status of RNA polymerase, Binding of RNA polymerase URL
8. 문서 Characteristics of promoter Characteristics of promoter, Initiation of transcription, Elongation of transcription, Termination of transcription, Dissociation of RNA polymerase, Same initiation Different termination URL
9. 문서 How the transcription is regulated? Where the transcription is regulated?, How transcription is regulated in the stage of initiation?, How transcription is regulated in the stage of initiation?, transcriptional regulation of lac operon, Regulation of transcription in eukaryotes URL
10. 문서 Protein Synthesis decoding, Direction of translation, Transfer RNA, Wobble base pairing, Status of ribosome complex, Initiation of translation, Elongation of translation, Termination of translation , Polysomes of translation URL
11. 문서 DNA Repair and Recombination DNA damage DNA repair URL
12. 문서 DNA Damage can be detected and repaired DNA Repair, DNA Integrity, Exonuclease, Endonuclease, Excision, Incision, Recombination Repair URL

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