
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >화공 >화학공학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 2학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    0/5.0 (1)
Overview of fundamental aspects of technical writing
Workshop #1: writing a technical monthly report; memos, laboratory notebooks
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. Introduction to course objectives what to bring to class; policies on grading, makeups; attendance; focus on students with dissertations, publications to write. How will the course be laid out? Instruct students to bring laptops and jump drives
2. Overview of types of technical documents 1) memos, technical reports, professional documents (resumes, business letters-cover letters), communications, articles, review articles (perspectives, etc…), proposals, job applications for academia and first group workshop
2) Exercise on creative writing: stream of consciousness writing
3) Creative writing workshop: writing stories
3. Basic aspects and points to remember for technical writing (a) the writing process (b) overviews, outlines (see Whitesides AdvMater) (c) paragraph construction (d) sentence construction (what is the formula?)
4. 비디오 Workshop #1: writing a technical monthly report; memos, laboratory notebooks writing a technical monthly report; memos, laboratory notebooks URL
5. Putting together your first paper-part 1 getting starting with literature first paper-getting starting with literature
6. Putting together your first paper-part 2 figures and outlining first paper-getting starting with literature
7. How to write a proposal: examples of proposals, Workshop on outlining a proposal Select topic for your proposal with approval of your research advisor
8. Workshop on putting your proposal together, Dissertations, general comments on writing for your thesis putting your proposal together, Dissertations, general comments on writing for your thesis
9. industrial technical documents: labnotebooks memorandums, technical reports (group workshops where people show their labnote book PDFs) Workshop 6a: preparation of a proposal preparation of a proposal
10. Workshop #2: in class writing for your first technical paper class writing for your first technical paper
11. 1st draft of Communication due in class Professional documents: resume, CV, cover letters draft of Communication due in class Professional documents
12. Patents, business plans-i Patents, business plans
13. Patents, business plans-ii Patents, business plans
14. final revisions due for Communications; and business plan due in Class Communications; and business plan
15. Technical writing review Technical writing review
문서 전체 강의 보충 자료(1) CV-short 소스URL
문서 전체 강의 보충 자료(2) J-Pyun UA CV 9-10 short CV 소스URL
문서 전체 강의 보충 자료(3) L Hill Oct-2012 Monthly Report 소스URL
문서 전체 강의 보충 자료(4) Pyun Lecture#2-Writing Exercises 소스URL
문서 전체 강의 보충 자료(5) Pyun Syllabus for Technical Writing Class 소스URL
문서 전체 강의 보충 자료(6) Whitesides-AdvMater-2004 How to write a paper 소스URL
문서 전체 강의 보충 자료(7) Wiesner-Nanolett-2009 TiO2 gyroid 소스URL

연관 자료


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    2. 동영상 실행 시 음성만 나오는 경우 [바로가기]
    3. 강의 자료 이용시 필요한 프로그램 [바로가기]

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