
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >전기ㆍ전자 >전자공학
  • 강의학기
    2017년 1학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    3.7/5.0 (4)
Vector space 와 다중적분, 공간미분에 관하여 전자기학의 기초를 복습한 후 맥스웰방정식과 특히 Electrostatics, Magnetostatics 에 관해 공부한다.
Electric Fields ~ Static and Dynamic Fields
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Electric Fields ~ Static and Dynamic Fields Electric Fields ~ Static and Dynamic Fields URL
문서 Electric Fields ~ Static and Dynamic Fields Electric Fields ~ Static and Dynamic Fields 소스URL
2. 비디오 Traveling waves ~ Review of complex numbers Traveling waves ~ Review of complex numbers URL
문서 Traveling waves ~ Review of complex numbers Traveling waves ~ Review of complex numbers 소스URL
3. 비디오 Review of complex numbers ~ Spherical Coordinates Review of complex numbers ~ Spherical Coordinates URL
문서 Review of complex numbers ~ Spherical Coordinates Review of complex numbers ~ Spherical Coordinates 소스URL
4. 비디오 Spherical Coordinates ~ Curl of a Vector Field Spherical Coordinates ~ Curl of a Vector Field URL
문서 Spherical Coordinates ~ Curl of a Vector Field Spherical Coordinates ~ Curl of a Vector Field 소스URL
5. 비디오 Line Integrals ~ Triple Integrals Line Integrals ~ Triple Integrals URL
비디오 Line Integrals ~ Triple Integrals Line Integrals ~ Triple Integrals URL
문서 Line Integrals ~ Triple Integrals Line Integrals ~ Triple Integrals 소스URL
6. 비디오 Double integrals in polar coordinates ~ Electric Potential as a Function of Electric Field Double integrals in polar coordinates ~ Electric Potential as a Function of Electric Field URL
비디오 Double integrals in polar coordinates ~ Electric Potential as a Function of Electric Field Double integrals in polar coordinates ~ Electric Potential as a Function of Electric Field URL
문서 Double integrals in polar coordinates ~ Electric Potential as a Function of Electric Field Double integrals in polar coordinates ~ Electric Potential as a Function of Electric Field 소스URL
7. 비디오 Electric Potential as a Function of Electric Field ~ Electric Boundary Conditions Electric Potential as a Function of Electric Field ~ Electric Boundary Conditions URL
비디오 Electric Potential as a Function of Electric Field ~ Electric Boundary Conditions Electric Potential as a Function of Electric Field ~ Electric Boundary Conditions URL
문서 Electric Potential as a Function of Electric Field ~ Electric Boundary Conditions Electric Potential as a Function of Electric Field ~ Electric Boundary Conditions 소스URL
8. 비디오 Capacitance ~ Magnetic Field in the Plane of the Loop Capacitance ~ Magnetic Field in the Plane of the Loop URL
문서 Capacitance ~ Magnetic Field in the Plane of the Loop Capacitance ~ Magnetic Field in the Plane of the Loop 소스URL
9. 비디오 Magnetic Field in the Plane of the Loop ~ Ampere’s Law Magnetic Field in the Plane of the Loop ~ Ampere’s Law URL
비디오 Magnetic Field in the Plane of the Loop ~ Ampere’s Law Magnetic Field in the Plane of the Loop ~ Ampere’s Law URL
문서 Magnetic Field in the Plane of the Loop ~ Ampere’s Law Magnetic Field in the Plane of the Loop ~ Ampere’s Law 소스URL
10. 비디오 Ampere’s Law ~ Stationary Loop in a Time-Varying Magnetic Field Ampere’s Law ~ Stationary Loop in a Time-Varying Magnetic Field URL
비디오 Ampere’s Law ~ Stationary Loop in a Time-Varying Magnetic Field Ampere’s Law ~ Stationary Loop in a Time-Varying Magnetic Field URL
비디오 Ampere’s Law ~ Stationary Loop in a Time-Varying Magnetic Field Ampere’s Law ~ Stationary Loop in a Time-Varying Magnetic Field URL
문서 Ampere’s Law ~ Stationary Loop in a Time-Varying Magnetic Field Ampere’s Law ~ Stationary Loop in a Time-Varying Magnetic Field 소스URL
11. 비디오 Stationary Loop in a Time-Varying Magnetic Field ~ Displacement Current Stationary Loop in a Time-Varying Magnetic Field ~ Displacement Current URL
비디오 Stationary Loop in a Time-Varying Magnetic Field ~ Displacement Current Stationary Loop in a Time-Varying Magnetic Field ~ Displacement Current URL
문서 Ampere’s Law ~ Stationary Loop in a Time-Varying Magnetic Field Ampere’s Law ~ Stationary Loop in a Time-Varying Magnetic Field 소스URL

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