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At Horfield Primary School in Bristol teacher Kirsten Graham uses the creative curriculum to teach science and maths.Kirsten uses her music background to teach Year 4 children human anatomy. Using the song Dem Bones they learn the basic anatomical features of the human body. With the song as a guide they then learn the matching scientific terms. Finally they are given a puzzle of paper bones which they piece together to make a human skeleton.Tessellation is the theme for the maths lesson and Kirsten begins by setting the Year 4 pupils the challenge of creating their own tessellated picture. She then introduces two songs and the children learn that music can also be tessellated.Rachel Milsom and Charlotte Butcher, both Year 3 teachers, bring their classes together. Using the text 'The Village that Vanished' by Ann Grifalconi the children re-enact scenes from the book through dance. Through feedback and group assessment the children gain a better understanding of the text.

Video Series: Great Lesson Ideas
Release Date 2009

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