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Three primary teachers discuss and share their top strategies for bringing history to life when teaching chronology, change and consequence, and historical enquiry to Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 classes. Tracy Anderson, Helen Lavis and Sandra Baines from Powell's C of E Primary School in Cirencester discuss teaching chronology and how timelines are a simple but effective way to explore this with a class. They also suggest getting pupils to draw pictures of themselves at key moments in their lives to help them understand about sequencing and change. Another effective way of exploring change with a primary history class is by using props. This enables pupils to compare old and new items, such as clothes pegs through the ages, or modern gas masks and those used in World War II. To develop children's enquiry skills, they suggest creating question and answer boxes which are kept in the classroom. At the beginning of the topic, they discuss what pupils would like to find out about. They then post these questions in the question box. During the course of the topic, other pupils are then encouraged to pick questions to find the answer to and post these in the answer box.

Video Series: Teaching Support
Release Date 2010

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1. 비디오 Bringing History to Life Teaching Methods URL

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