
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >정밀ㆍ에너지 >원자력공학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 1학기
  • 조회수
This course provides the graduate students for an overview of fundamental radiochemistry and hydro geochemistry associated with environmental nuclear wastes on soils and groundwater.
Introduction of the courses
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction of the courses introduction of radioactive wastes and contaminants were taught. URL
2. 비디오 Fundamentals of radiochemistry fundamentals of radiochemistry, radioactivity, and radiation were taught. URL
3. 비디오 Fundamentals of radiochemistry (cont.) fundamentals of radiochemistry were continuously taught. URL
4. 비디오 Fundamentals of radiochemistry and wastes fundamentals of radiochemistry and wastes were taught. URL
5. 비디오 Fundamentals of radiochemistry and wastes radioactive wastes and contamination were taught. URL
6. 비디오 Fundamentals of radiochemistry radioactive wastes and contamination were taught. URL
7. 비디오 Actinide chemistry actinide chemistry and radiation measurements were taught. URL
8. 비디오 Aqueous chemistry aqueous chemistry background was taught. URL
9. 비디오 Aqueous chemistry aqueous chemistry background was taught. URL
10. 비디오 Thermodynamics introduction of thermodynamics was taught. URL
11. 비디오 Thermodynamics/acid-base reaction continuous study for basic thermodynamics and introduction of acid-base reactions were taught. URL
12. 비디오 Acid/base/Tableau method acid/base reactions and Tableau method were taught. URL
13. 비디오 Tableau method/Proton condition Tableau method/ proton condition and Electroneutrality were taught. URL
14. 비디오 Carbonate system understanding of carbonate system was taught. URL
15. 비디오 Carbonate system dominant species and pH measurement were taught. URL
16. 비디오 Midterm exam midterm exam was conducted. URL
17. 비디오 Sorption/desorption understanding of sorption/desorption was taught. URL
18. 비디오 Sorption and surface charge understanding of sorption/desorption was taught. URL
19. 비디오 Sorption and complexation sorption, various surface charges, and complexation were taught. URL
20. 비디오 Complexation complexation was taught. URL
21. Surface complexation model surface complexation model for U and other radionuclide were taught.
22. Sorption and complexation sorption, various surface charges, and complexation were taught.
23. Sorbents, clays and solubility sorbents, clay minerals and solubility were taught.
24. Holiday N/A
25. Stability diagram How to develop stability diagram of SiO2 and clay minerals solids were studied.
26. Redox reaction Fundamentals of redox reaction was taught.
27. Holiday N/A
28. Redox and radionuclides in environments Redox reaction and radionuclides in various environments were taught.
29. Radionuclides in environment Radionuclide transport in groundwater and mass transport processes were taught.
30. Final exam Final exam was conducted.

연관 자료


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