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    사회과학 >사회과학기타 >사회학
  • 강의학기
    2014년 1학기
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This class is to introduce basic theories and practices in inter-cultural communication. Whether we travel overseas or emigrate to other countries, we face different cultures and often experience anxieties stemming from miscommunication or misunderstanding. Learning about how to solve these problems is becoming an essential survival skill in this age of globalization.

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 1) 1주: Introduction / Why Study Intercultural Cmu (1) There are six reasons for studying intercultural communications. They are self-awareness, demographic, economic, technological, peace and ethical reasons. As we have more interactions with people with different cultural backgrounds, it is very important to communicate with them without much understanding. URL
비디오 1) 1주: Why Study Intercultural Cmu (2) There are six reasons for studying intercultural communications. They are self-awareness, demographic, economic, technological, peace and ethical reasons. As we have more interactions with people with different cultural backgrounds, it is very important to learn how to communicate with them without much understanding. URL
2. 비디오 2) 2주: History of Study of Inter Cmu In studying intercultural communication, there are three main approaches: the social science, interpretive and critical approach. Each approach represents a different world-view and perspective, resulting in different results. The best way to study intercultural communication is to combine all three approaches in a dialectical way. URL
3. 비디오 3) 3주: Culture, Cmu, Context & Power Intercultural communication studies start with four basic concepts -- culture, communication, context and power. Cultural and communication are at the forefront, while context and power are in the backdrop. The four concepts have dynamic relations among themselves. For example, culture and affect communication and vice versa. URL
4. 비디오 4) 4주: History and Intercultural Communication History is not a singular form. It has many variations, such as political, intellectual, social, family, national and cultural histories. We all bring our history in conducting intercultural communication. Some of those histories are explicit, but others are implicit. History is basically a storytelling which influences our cultural and communication tremendously. URL
5. 비디오 5) 5주: Language and Intercultural Communication Language use plays an important role in intercultural communication. This chapter looks into the verbal aspects of intercultural communication from three different perspectives -- social science, interpretive and critical. Social science approach focuses on language and its relations to intercultural communication. Interpretive approach focuses on contextual uses of linguistic codes, while critical approach looks at the relations between discourse and power. URL
6. 비디오 6) 6주: Understanding Inter Transition (1) 1. Thinking Dialectically about Intercultural transitions 2. Types of Migrant groups 3. Mihrant-host relationships 4.cultural Adaptation URL
비디오 6) 6주: Cultural Resume Presentations (Group Project) (2) In this project, each group picks a distinct culture and present on its unique culture and communication styles. A total of eight presentations cover eight different cultures – Brunei, Jews, Thailand, Japan, Maori, Italy, Native Indians and France. URL
7. 비디오 7) 7주: Popular Cuture & Inter Cmu. Non-verbal communication is an essential part of communication which is as important as verbal communication. It is subconscious communication implicitly learned through socialization. There are two perspectives on relations between culture and non-verbal communication – universalism and relativism. Both theories can explain our non-verbal communication. Cultural space is also part of non-verbal communication. URL
8. 비디오 8) 8주: Culture, Cmu. & Inter Relation Throughout history, people have traveled across cultural boundaries for many different reasons. People move either short or long-term and voluntarily or involuntarily. When they move to new cultures, there could be different types of adjusting to them – assimilation, integration, separation, marginalization of a mixture of the four. People also experience culture shock when they move to new cultures and this process can be explained by U or W-curve theory. URL
9. 비디오 9) 9주: Culture, Cmu. & Conflicts Conflict: Interpersonal; Social; National and International Three Approaches: 1) Social Science 2) Interpretive and Critical Approaches Characteristics of Intercultural Conflict -Identity and Belonging -Confronting vs. Avoiding Type Two Orientations to Conflict -Conflict as Opportunity Commonly represented in U.S. interpersonal communication contexts 1)Four Assumptions 2)Value of pacifism and nonresistant response, such as avoidance and silence 3)Ex: Amish avoiding military activities. -Cultural Differences in Conflict Views: A dialectical approach: 1) Reasons for variations 2) Norway vs. Northern Ireland 3) Northern Ireland -Social Science Approach to Conflict Five Specific ways of Managing Conflicts Conflict Management style Gender, Ethnicity and conflict value Differences and Conflict style -Interpretive and Critical Approach Social Contexts Economic Contexts Historical and Political Contexts Conflict -Managing Intercultural Conflict Productive vs. Destructive Conflict Competitive vs. Cooperation URL
10. 비디오 10) 10주: Engaged & Effective Inter Cmu. (1) C12. Striving for Engaged and Effective Intercultural Cmu. -Components of Competence Social Science Perspective: Individual Components Motivation A. Most important in intercultural Cmu. B. Reasons for not having motivation. Knowledge Attitudes Non-judgmentalism Behaviors and skills -Critical perspective: Competence for whom? -Applying knowledge about Intercultural Communucation Entering Into Dialogue Becoming Interpersonal Allies Building Coalitions Social Justice and Transformation Forgiveness -What the Future Holds EU: Uniting and fragmenting Northeast Asian's integration Inter-Korea Unification Intercultural Communication for Korea URL
비디오 10) 10주: Korea's Culture through the eyes of foreingers (2) Nye's Soft Power -Types of Culture High culture Folk culture Popular culture -American Culture From Harvard to Hollywood HHMMS High Culture Popular Culture -Korean Culture at a Glance High Culture Low Culture Division disappearing between High, Low Traditional Culture Popular Culture(K-style) -Korea According to Foreign Correspondents -Korean Culture According to Foreign Press -Korean Culture According to the New York Times -Presidential Council on Nation Branding Survey on Hallyu -Korea's Traditional Culture according to Wikipedia -Korea's Contemporary Culture according to Wikipedia -Foreign Policy Analysis of Korean Wave -Conclusion URL

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