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  • 주제분류
    자연과학 >생물ㆍ화학ㆍ환경 >생명공학
  • 등록일자
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Overview of current goals and methods to improve proteins for industrial applications, including rational design, directed evolution and combined methods. Students will critically evaluate research papers on enzyme engineering and identify unsolved technical and theoretical problems in the field.
Molecular basis of the catalytic power of enzymes
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 문서 1. Introduction, Biocatalysis & Green Chemistry 2. Measuring Enzyme Stability & Reaction Rates 1. Introduction, Biocatalysis & Green Chemistry
2. Measuring Enzyme Stability & Reaction Rates
문서 1. Introduction, Biocatalysis & Green Chemistry 2. Measuring Enzyme Stability & Reaction Rates 1. Introduction, Biocatalysis & Green Chemistry
2. Measuring Enzyme Stability & Reaction Rates
2. 문서 1. Measuring Enzyme Selectivity 2. Measuring Other Goals of Enzyme Engineering 1. Measuring Enzyme Selectivity
2. Measuring Other Goals of Enzyme Engineering
문서 1. Measuring Enzyme Selectivity 2. Measuring Other Goals of Enzyme Engineering 1. Measuring Enzyme Selectivity
2. Measuring Other Goals of Enzyme Engineering
문서 1. Measuring Enzyme Selectivity 2. Measuring Other Goals of Enzyme Engineering 1. Measuring Enzyme Selectivity
2. Measuring Other Goals of Enzyme Engineering
오디오 1. Measuring Enzyme Selectivity2. Measuring Other Goals of Enzyme Engineering 1. Measuring Enzyme Selectivity
2. Measuring Other Goals of Enzyme Engineering
3. 문서 1. Looking at protein structures 2. Molecular basis of enzyme stability 1. Looking at protein structures [vocabulary 1]
2. Molecular basis of enzyme stability
오디오 1. Looking at protein structures 2. Molecular basis of enzyme stability 1. Looking at protein structures [vocabulary 1]
2. Molecular basis of enzyme stability
문서 1. Looking at protein structures 2. Molecular basis of enzyme stability 1. Looking at protein structures [vocabulary 1]
2. Molecular basis of enzyme stability
문서 1. Looking at protein structures 2. Molecular basis of enzyme stability 1. Looking at protein structures [vocabulary 1]
2. Molecular basis of enzyme stability
4. 오디오 1. Looking at protein structures 2. Molecular basis of enzyme stability 1. Looking at protein structures [vocabulary 1]
2. Molecular basis of enzyme stability
5. 문서 Molecular basis of enzyme selectivity Molecular basis of enzyme selectivity [revised paper 1 due] 소스URL
오디오 Molecular basis of enzyme selectivity Molecular basis of enzyme selectivity [revised paper 1 due] 소스URL
문서 Molecular basis of enzyme selectivity Molecular basis of enzyme selectivity [revised paper 1 due] 소스URL
문서 Molecular basis of enzyme selectivity Molecular basis of enzyme selectivity [revised paper 1 due] 소스URL
6. 비디오 Molecular basis of the catalytic power of enzymes Molecular basis of the catalytic power of enzymes [vocabulary 2] [homework 1 due] URL
문서 Molecular basis of the catalytic power of enzymes Molecular basis of the catalytic power of enzymes [vocabulary 2] [homework 1 due] 소스URL
문서 Molecular basis of the catalytic power of enzymes Molecular basis of the catalytic power of enzymes [vocabulary 2] [homework 1 due] 소스URL
7. 오디오 Molecular basis of the catalytic power of enzymes Molecular basis of the catalytic power of enzymes [vocabulary 2] [homework 1 due] 소스URL
8. 문서 Enzyme modeling using molecular mechanics Enzyme modeling using molecular mechanics [revised paper 1 due] 소스URL
문서 Enzyme modeling using molecular mechanics Enzyme modeling using molecular mechanics [revised paper 1 due] 소스URL
오디오 Enzyme modeling using molecular mechanics Enzyme modeling using molecular mechanics [revised paper 1 due] 소스URL
9. 문서 Enzyme modeling using molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics Enzyme modeling using molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics 소스URL
오디오 Enzyme modeling using molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics Enzyme modeling using molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics 소스URL
10. 오디오 Enzyme modeling using molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics Enzyme modeling using molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics 소스URL
문서 Enzyme modeling using molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics Enzyme modeling using molecular dynamics and quantum mechanics 소스URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

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  • 1. 비디오 강의 이용시 필요한 프로그램 [바로가기]
    2. 동영상 실행 시 음성만 나오는 경우 [바로가기]
    3. 강의 자료 이용시 필요한 프로그램 [바로가기]

    ※ 강의별로 교수님의 사정에 따라 전체 차시 중 일부 차시만 공개되는 경우가 있으니 양해 부탁드립니다.
