
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >컴퓨터ㆍ통신 >소프트웨어공학
  • 강의학기
    2018년 1학기
  • 조회수
This class aims to provide fundamental principles and topics of collaborative distributed systems such as online game, social network systems, contents distribution systems, blockchain systems, and other client/server or p2p applications. The topics include how to design and develop distributed systems, what should be considered in order to solve problems due to communication delay, and what should be synchronized among communication entities.
1. Introduction
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 1. Introduction Goals URL
2. 비디오 1. Introduction Types of distributed systems URL
3. 비디오 1. Introduction Types of distributed systems( Scalability: Problems, Scaling techniques) URL
4. 비디오 1. Introduction Types of distributed systems( Scalability: Problems, Scaling techniques) URL
5. 비디오 2. Architecture Architectural styles, System architectures URL
6. 비디오 2. Architecture System architectures URL
7. 비디오 2. Architecture System architectures, Architectures vs. middleware, self-management in distributed systems URL
8. 비디오 3. Processes Threads URL
9. 비디오 3. Processes Threads, virtualization, clients URL
10. 비디오 3. Processes Servers URL
11. 비디오 3. Processes Servers, code migration URL
12. 비디오 3. Processes, 4. Communication code migration, Overview, Fundamentals URL
13. 비디오 4. Communication Fundamentals, remote procedure call URL
14. 비디오 4. Communication Fundamentals, remote procedure call URL
15. 비디오 4. Communication Fundamentals, remote procedure call, Message-oriented communication, stream-oriented communication, multicast communication URL
비디오 4. Communication Message-oriented communication, stream-oriented communication, multicast communication URL
비디오 4. Communication, 5. Naming multicast communication, Names, identifiers, and addresses URL
비디오 5. Naming Names, identifiers, and addresses, flat naming URL
비디오 5. Naming flat naming, structured naming URL
비디오 5. Naming structured naming, Attribute-based naming URL
비디오 6. Synchronization Clock synchronization URL
비디오 6. Synchronization Clock synchronization, Logical clocks URL
비디오 6. Synchronization Logical clocks URL
비디오 6. Synchronization Logical clocks, Mutual exclusion URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

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