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    자연과학 >생물ㆍ화학ㆍ환경 >생화학
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This course provides an introduction to the chemistry of biological, inorganic, and organic molecules. The emphasis is on basic principles of atomic and molecular electronic structure, thermodynamics, acid-base and redox equilibria, chemical kinetics, and catalysis.

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 파동 -입자 이원성, 슈뢰딩거 방정식 URL
2. 비디오 화학 원리의 중요성 1. An introduction to chemistry
2. General course information and policies for 5.111
3. Introduction of teaching staff
3. 비디오 전자와 핵의 발견과 양자역학의 필요성 1. Discovery of electron and the nucleus
2. (Failure of) the classical description of the atom
3. An introduction to quantum mechanics
4. 비디오 파동-빛의 분자 이중성 1. (Failure of) the classical description of the atom
2. Introduction to quantum mechanics: wave-particle duality
3. Light as a wave: characteristics of waves
4. Light as a particle: the photoelctric effect
5. 비디오 수소원자 에너지 레벨 The Hydrogen Atom
1. Binding energy of the electron to the nucleus
2. Verification of hydrogen-atom energy levels
A. Photon emission
B. Photon absorption
3. Wavefunctions (orbitals) for the hydrogen atom
6. 비디오 수소원자 파동함수(오비탈) Hydrogen Atom Wavefunctions
1. Wavefunctions (orbitals) for the hydrogen atom
2. shapes of H-atom wavefunctions: s orbitals
3. Radial probability distributions
7. 비디오 p-오비탈 The Hydrogen Atom
1. Radial probability distributions for s-orbitals
2. p-orbitals
A. The shape of p-orbitals
B. Radial probability distributions

Multi-electron Atoms
3. Electron spin
4. Wavefunctions for multielectron atoms
8. 비디오 다전자원자와 전자 배열 Multi-electron Atoms
1. Wavefunctions for multi-electron atoms
2. Binding energy
3. Electron configurations(Aufbau principle)
4. Photoelectric spectroscopy
9. 비디오 주기율 경향 1. Photoelectric spectroscopy
2. Periodic table/ periodic trends
A. Ionization energy
B. Electron affinity
C. Electronegativity
D. Atomin rsdius
3. Isoelectronic atomes/ions
10. 비디오 주기율 경향 계속 : 공유 결합 Finish exam 1 material:
1.Atomin rsdius and Isoelectronic atomes/ions

Exam 2 material:
2. Covalent bonds
3. Lewis structures
11. 비디오 루이스 구조식 Lewis structures URL
12. 비디오 루이스 구조식 법칙의 예외 : 이온 결합 1. Breakdown of the octet rule
case1. Odd number of valence electrons
case2. Octet deficient molecules
case3. Valence shell expansion

2. Iinic bonds
3. Polar covalent bonds
13. 비디오 극성 공유 결합: VSEPR 이론 1. Polar covalent bonds and polar molecules
2. The shapes of molecules: VESPR theory
A. Molecules without lone pairs
B. Molecules with lone pairs
14. 비디오 분자 오비탈 이론 Molecules orbital theory
1. Bonding and antibonding orbitals
2. Homoneclear diaomic molecules
A. Molecules with MO's originating from a orbitals
B. Molecules with MO's originating from a and p orbitals
3. Heteronuclear diatomic molecules
15. 비디오 원자가 결합 이론과 교잡 Molecules orbital theory

Valence bond theory and hybridization
1. Sigma and pi bonds
2. Hybridization of atomic orbitals
3. Hybridization in complex molecules
16. 비디오 복합분자의 교잡 측정: 열화학 과 결합 에너지/ 결합 엔탈피 1.Valence bond theory and hybridization
Determining hybrization in complex molecules

2.Energies and enthalpies of chemical reaction
A. Bond energy/ bond enthalpy
B. Heat of formation
17. 비디오 엔트로피와 무질서 Thermodynamics
1. Enthalpies of chemical reactions
2. Spontaneous change and free energy
3. Entropy
4. Free energy of formation
18. 비디오 자유에너지와 자발성의 억제 Thermodynamics
1. Free energy do formation
2. Effect of temperature on spontaneity
3. Thermodynamics in biological systems
A) ATP-coupled reactions
B) Hydrogen bonding
19. 비디오 화학 평형 Nature of Chemical Equilibrium
Meaning of K
Relationshil between Equilibrium Expressions
External effects on K
20. 비디오 르 샤틀리에의 원리와 혈액에 산소 레벨의 적용 Changing the volume URL
21. 비디오 산-염기 평형: MIT물은 마시기에 안전한가? Classification of Acid-Bases, Autoionization of Water, pH Function, Strength of Acids and Bases, Equilibrium Involving Weak Acids. URL
22. 비디오 화학과 생물학의 완충기 Equilibrium involving weak bases, pH of salt solutions, and buffers URL
23. 비디오 산-염기 적정 Topic: Titrations URL
24. 비디오 산화/환원 Topics: Oxidation States, and Balancing Oxidation/Reduction Reactions (Read Section K) URL
25. 비디오 전기화학적 세포 Topics:Electrochemical Cells, Faraday's Law, and the Relationship between Gibbs Free Energy and Cell Potential URL
26. 비디오 화학과 생물학적 산화/ 환원 Topics: Adding and Subtracting Half-Cell Reactions and Nernst Equation URL
27. 비디오 전이와 납중독 처리 Topics: Formation of coordination complexes, coordination number,
coordination complex notation, structures of coordination complexes, chelate effect, isomers, d-
electron counting, and d-orbitals.
28. 비디오 결정 전기장 이론 Crystal field and ligand field theories URL
29. 비디오 생물학에의 금속 Crystal Field Theory Continued, and Magnetism URL
30. 비디오 자성과 분광화학의 이론 Crystal Field Theory and the Spectrochemical Series. URL
31. 비디오 비율 법칙 Rates of Chemical Reactions and Rate Law URL
32. 비디오 핵 화학과 핵 반응 Radioactive Decay, Second Order Integrated Rate Laws, Kinetics and Chemical Equilibrium, Introduction to Reaction Mechanisms URL
33. 비디오 반응 메카니즘 Reaction Mechanisms URL
34. 비디오 온도와 동역학 Effect of Temperature, Collision Theory, Activated Complex Theory. URL
35. 비디오 효소 촉매작용 Topic: Catalysis URL
36. 비디오 생화학 Review of Topics : Chemical Equilibrium, Acid Base, Oxidation Reduction, Transition Metals, and Kinetics URL

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