
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >경영학
  • 강의학기
    2015년 1학기
  • 조회수
The course introduces students to the main aspects and trends of contemporary Korean society, including those pertaining to culture, family, industrialization, gender, and multicultural reality

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 What is Culture?_0310 The lecture discussed the easons why a proper understanding culture is important and ntroduced the concepts of cultural universals and cultural diversity URL
2. 비디오 Understanding Culture & Korean Culture_0312 The lecture focused on main components of culture, including symbols, language, beliefs, and values URL
3. 비디오 Components of Culture & Korean Symbols_0317 The lecture discussed the representative examples of Korean cultural symbols URL
4. 비디오 Components of Culture & Korean Symbols_0319 The lecture discussed the representative examples of Korean cultural symbols URL
5. 비디오 Korean Language & Values_0326 The lecture examined the main aspects of the Korean language and key aspects of Korean values URL
6. 비디오 Korean Shamanism and Confucianisms_0331 The lecture discussed contemporary representations of Korean shamanism and Confucianism URL
7. 비디오 The Family_0402 The lecture discussed the main characteristics of Korean family, reasons for living in extended family setting, and causes for the rising divorce rate in Korea URL
8. 비디오 The Family_0407 The lecture discussed the main characteristics of Korean family, reasons for living in extended family setting, and causes for the rising divorce rate in Korea URL
9. 비디오 The Family_0409 The lecture discussed the main characteristics of Korean family, reasons for living in extended family setting, and causes for the rising divorce rate in Korea URL
10. 비디오 Gender Inequality_0414 The lecture explored how women lag behind men in Korean society in such sectors as labor, public service and politics. Various cultural and social causes of gender inequality were also discussed URL
11. 비디오 Gender Inequality_0416 The lecture explored how women lag behind men in Korean society in such sectors as labor, public service and politics. Various cultural and social causes of gender inequality were also discussed URL
12. 비디오 Urbanization in Korea_0428 The lecture discussed trends of urbanization in the world, stages of urbanization in Korea and characteristics of urbanization in Korea URL
13. 비디오 Urbanization in Korea_0430 The lecture discussed trends of urbanization in the world, stages of urbanization in Korea and characteristics of urbanization in Korea URL
14. 비디오 Economic Development in Korea I_0512 The lecture covered the international factors that facilitated the rapid industrialization of Korea from the 1960s to the 1980s URL
15. 비디오 Economic Development in Korea I_0514 The lecture covered the international factors that facilitated the rapid industrialization of Korea from the 1960s to the 1982s URL
비디오 Economic Development in Korea II_0519 The lecture covered the internal factors that facilitated the rapid industrialization of Korea from the 1960s to the 1980s URL
비디오 The Making of Multiethnic Korea_0528 The lecture focused on the factors that have made Korea ethnically diverse, including aging and international marriages URL
비디오 The Making of Multiethnic Korea_0602 The lecture focused on the factors that have made Korea ethnically diverse, including aging and international marriages URL

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