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  • 주제분류
    교육학 >교육일반 >교육학
  • 강의학기
    2014년 2학기
  • 조회수
This course is designed to introduce various theories related to learning-teaching. Students are able to understand instructional theories which may maximize students academic achievements. They also can apply those theories into their instructional design.
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차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Orientation Course goal URL
비디오 Various concepts/Strategic Instructional System Introducing various concepts/Understanding strategy URL
2. 비디오 Various concepts/Strategic Instructional System Introducing various concepts/Understanding strategy URL
3. 비디오 Strategic Instructional System Understanding strategy URL
비디오 System theory and approach Concept and definition of system and system approach. Difference systematic approach and system approach. Instructional system development. Interaction among system components. URL
비디오 System theory and approach Concept and definition of system and system approach. Difference systematic approach and system approach. Instructional system development. Interaction among system components. URL
4. 비디오 Behaviorism and its application Introducing behaviorism. Pavlov's conditioning. Watson's view. Thorndike and his theory. Skinner's operant condition. Hull and Guthrie's theory. Behaviorist approach in instruction. URL
비디오 Behaviorism and its application Introducing behaviorism. Pavlov's conditioning. Watson's view. Thorndike and his theory. Skinner's operant condition. Hull and Guthrie's theory. Behaviorist approach in instruction. URL
비디오 Cognitive theory and its applications to instruction Cognition and basic process. Three basic types of perceptual organization. Cognitive learning. Gestalt theory. Difference and common leature among system. Bahaviorism and cognitive theory. URL
5. 비디오 Cognitive theory and its applications to instruction Cognition and basic process. Three basic types of perceptual organization. Cognitive learning. Gestalt theory. Difference and common leature among system. Bahaviorism and cognitive theory. URL
비디오 Information processing theory and Memory Introducing information processing theory. Sensory memory. Short term memory. Chunkig. Mid-term information URL
비디오 Information processing theory and Memory Introducing information processing theory. Sensory memory. Short term memory. Chunkig. Mid-term information URL
6. 비디오 Introducing project. Presenting mid term result. Long-term memory. Project submitting process and presenting how to make teaching-learning process plan document. Long-term memory. Forgetting. Improving memory. Summary and comparison of memory. URL
비디오 Introducing project. Presenting mid term result. Long-term memory. Project submitting process and presenting how to make teaching-learning process plan document. Long-term memory. Forgetting. Improving memory. Summary and comparison of memory. URL
7. 비디오 Development theory. Introducing various development concepts. Social cognition. Piaget's development theory. Implications for instruction. URL
비디오 Development theory. Introducing various development concepts. Social cognition. Piaget's development theory. Implications for instruction. URL
8. 비디오 Social Learning Attitude. Bandura's social learning. Bandura's model. Motivational learning. Its applications to instruction. URL
비디오 Social Learning Attitude. Bandura's social learning. Bandura's model. Motivational learning. Its applications to instruction. URL
9. 비디오 Attribution theory. Kelly's identification rule. Three popular mistakes. Weiner's attribution and cause. Attributional dimensions. Cognition-Emotion process. URL
비디오 Keller's theory Kelly's ARCS theory. ARCS component. ARCS application to web based instruction. URL
10. 비디오 individual Why individual and group learning? What are they? Why cooperative? Difference betwwen collaborative and cooperative. Example of cooperative learning. URL

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