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  • 주제분류
    자연과학 >수학ㆍ물리ㆍ천문ㆍ지리 >물리학
  • 강의학기
    2014년 1학기
  • 조회수
양자장론의 기본개념들을 소개한다.

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Why Quantum Field Theory? Relativistic Quantum Field Theory, Path Integral, URL
2. 비디오 Semi-classical Approximation and Perturbation Expansion Stationary Integral and Perturbation Expansion, Classical Limit, URL
3. 비디오 Feynman Propagator and Scalar Exchange Feynman Propagator, Scalar Exchange URL
비디오 Why Electrons Push Each Other? review of Scalar Exchange, Ve,ctor Exchange URL
4. 비디오 Spin and the Characters of Forces Vector Exchange, Spin 2 Exchange, Inverse Square Law, Feynman Diagram URL
비디오 Feynman Diagram perturbative field theory, Feynman Rule, URL
5. 비디오 Feynman Rule and Symmetric Factor Feynman Rule, Symmetric Factor URL
비디오 Canonical Quantization / Noether Theorem Canonical Quantization, Symmetry and Conservation Law URL
6. 비디오 Questions / Answers Propagator D(x), Graviton polarization, Normal Ordering URL
비디오 Energy-Momentum Tensor / Dirac Equation Energy-Momentum Tensor, Dirac Equation URL
7. 비디오 Discrete Symmetries of Dirac Equation / Parity and change conjugation Discrete Symmetries of Dirac Equation, Parity and change conjugation URL
비디오 Time Reversal Symmetry and Kramer theorem / Lorentz transformation for Spinor Time Reversal Symmetry and Kramer theorem, Lorentz transformation for Spinor URL
8. 비디오 Majorana Fermion Majorana Fermion, Majorana mass URL
비디오 Quantization of Dirac Field / Negative Frequency problem Quantization of Dirac Field, How Negative Frequency problem can be solved by the second quantization URL
9. 비디오 Connection Between Spin - Statistic Why spin half particles are fermions and spin one particles are bosons? URL
비디오 Lorentz Transfotmation and Structure of Dirac Eq We study how two Weyl spinors are connected by a parity. Why dirac spinors must be a 4 component. The answer is the parity invariance. URL
10. 비디오 Dirac Eq and Electon Magnetic Moment Dirac Equation and Electon Magnetic Moment, We show g=2. URL
비디오 Schwinger's correction to g=2 / Hubbard - Stratonovich Transformation 1. Schwinger's correction to g=2 ; 2. Hubbard - Stratonovich Transformation URL
11. 비디오 Spontaneous Symmetry breaking Goldstone theorem: when continuous symmetry is broken spontaneously, massless particles appears. Coleman-Mermin-Wagner theorem: in one and 2 dimension, symmetry can not be broken and order is not possible. URL
비디오 Quantum Effective Potential Definition of Effective potential is given by Legendre transformation of connected potential W. URL
12. 비디오 Basic Renormalization Theory with Effective Potential Calculation of Coleman-Weinberg potential and its renormalization will be explicitly demonstrated and thereby show how vacuum fluctuation can induce instability of old vacuum and sometimes lead to symmetry breaking. URL
13. 비디오 Magnetic Monopole / Non-abelian Gange Theory We introduce the magnetic monopole and charge quantization as its consequence. We also introduce the non-abelian gauge theory and gauge prnciple. URL
비디오 Anderson - Higgs Mechanism Introduce the Higgs mechanism using the abelian Higgs model and then use it to explain how the gauge boson gets mass by eating goldstone boson. URL
14. 비디오 Superconductivity vs Superfluidity We explain the superconductivity by abelian higgs model and show how the London quation can be obtained from it. Superfluidity is explained by the linearity of the dispersion relation which gives the lack of the density of state using Feynman argument. URL
비디오 Symmetry Breaking and Instability by Quantum Fluctuation We use the Weinberg-Coleman effective potential of fermion to explain the Peiels instability. URL
15. 비디오 Solitons : Kink, Vortex, Monopole Starting from the kink, we introduce the various solitonic object in quantum field theory. URL
비디오 Boson,Fermion and Anyon We demonstrate the non-triviality of 360 degree rotation and the triviality of 720 degree rotation in 3 dimension, which lead to the possibility of fermion and boson as the only possibility in 3 dimension. On the other hand, there is no such triviality in two dimension, leading to anyon therein. URL

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