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  • 주제분류
    공학 >컴퓨터ㆍ통신 >소프트웨어공학
  • 강의학기
    2018년 1학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    5/5.0 (2)
본 교과목은 디지털 신호처리의 기본 개념인 주파수 표현, sampling, FIR 필터, 주파수 응답, Fourier 변환을 다룬다. 수학 지식과 공학 이론을 응용하여 신호와 sampling 과정을 주파수 영역에서 이해하고 표현할 수 있다.

IT 분야의 신호처리 관련 공학적 문제를 sampling과 FIR 필터 지식을 응용하여 분석할 수 있다. 신호처리 관련 차세대 성장 동력 관련 핵심 기술 습득에 주파수 스펙트럼, sampling, FIR 필터 지식을 적용할 수 있다.
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Sinusoids Sampling and plotting sinusoids, Complex exponential and phasors, Phasor addition, Time Signals URL
2. 비디오 Sinusoids Sampling and plotting sinusoids, Complex exponential and phasors, Phasor addition, Time Signals URL
3. 비디오 Sinusoids Sampling and plotting sinusoids, Complex exponential and phasors, Phasor addition, Time Signals URL
4. 비디오 Sinusoids, Spectrum representation Phasor addition, Time Signals, The spectrum of sum of sinusoids, Beat notes, Periodic waveforms URL
5. 비디오 Spectrum representation The spectrum of sum of sinusoids, Beat notes, Periodic waveforms URL
6. 비디오 Spectrum representation The spectrum of sum of sinusoids, Beat notes, Periodic waveforms URL
7. 비디오 Spectrum representation Periodic waveforms, Fourier series, Spectrum of Fourier series URL
8. 비디오 Spectrum representation Fourier analysis of periodic signals, Fourier series synthesis, Time-frequency spectrum, Frequency modulation URL
9. 비디오 Spectrum representation Fourier analysis of periodic signals, Fourier series synthesis, Time-frequency spectrum, Frequency modulation URL
10. 비디오 Spectrum representation Fourier analysis of periodic signals, Fourier series synthesis, Time-frequency spectrum, Frequency modulation URL
11. 비디오 FIR filters Discrete-time system, Running-average filter, General FIR filter, Convolution of FIR filter URL
12. 비디오 FIR filters Discrete-time system, Running-average filter, General FIR filter, Convolution of FIR filter URL
13. 비디오 FIR filters Impulse response, Implementation of FIR filters, Linear time-invariant system, Convolution and LTI system, Cascaded LTI system, Example of FIR filtering URL
14. 비디오 FIR filters Impulse response, Implementation of FIR filters, Linear time-invariant system, Convolution and LTI system, Cascaded LTI system, Example of FIR filtering URL
비디오 Continuous-time Fourier transform Filtering sampled continuous-time signals, Definition of Fourier transform, Fourier transform and the spectrum URL
15. 비디오 FIR filters Impulse response, Implementation of FIR filters, Linear time-invariant system, Convolution and LTI system, Cascaded LTI system, Example of FIR filtering URL
비디오 Sampling and aliasing Sampling, Spectrum view of sampling and reconstruction URL
비디오 Sampling and aliasing Sampling, Spectrum view of sampling and reconstruction URL
비디오 Sampling and aliasing Spectrum interpretation, Discrete-to-continuous conversion URL
비디오 Frequency response of FIR filters Sinusoidal response of FIR systems, Superposition and frequency response URL
비디오 Frequency response of FIR filters Superposition and frequency response, Steady-state and transient state, Properties of frequency response URL
비디오 Frequency response of FIR filters Properties of frequency response, Graphical representation of frequency response, Cascaded LTI system, Running-average filtering URL
비디오 Frequency response of FIR filters, Continuous-time Fourier transform Graphical representation of frequency response, Cascaded LTI system, Running-average filtering URL

연관 자료


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