
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >화공 >화학공학
  • 강의학기
    2017년 1학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    5/5.0 (2)
화학공학도에게 필수적인 기초과목으로서 각종 단위 상호 환산능력을 배양시키며, 주어진 공정을 물질수지 및 에너지수지를 통하여 분석하여 여타의 공정에서도 응용할 수 있는 능력을 부여시킨다.
Ch. 1. Mole balances
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Ch. 1. Mole balances syllabus, The general mole blances equation, The rate of reaction, Batch reactor URL
비디오 Ch. 1. Mole balances continuous-flow reactor (CSTR, tubular reactor, PBR) URL
2. 비디오 Ch. 2. Coversion and reactor sizing Design equation for barch reactor / Flow reactors URL
비디오 Ch. 2. Coversion and reactor sizing Sizing continuous flow reactors, reactors in series URL
3. 비디오 Ch. 2. Coversion and reactor sizing Reactors in series, Some further definitions URL
비디오 Ch. 3. Rate Laws Basic difinition, The reaction order and the rate law, Power law Models and elementary rate laws, non-elementary rate laws URL
4. 비디오 Ch. 3. Rate Laws Reversible reactions, The reaction rate constant, Present status of our approach URL
5. 비디오 Ch. 4. Stoichiometry Batch systems, Equqations for batch concoentrations URL
6. 비디오 Ch. 4. Stoichiometry Flow systems, Equations, Equations for concentrations in flow systems, liquid phase concentrations, gas phase concentrations URL
비디오 Ch. 5. Isothermal reactor design: coversion Design structure for isothermal reactor URL
7. 비디오 Ch. 5. Isothermal reactor design: coversion CSTRs, Tubular Reactors URL
8. 비디오 Ch. 5. Isothermal reactor design: coversion Pressure Drop in reactors URL
9. 비디오 Ch. 5. Isothermal reactor design: coversion Pressure Drop in reactors, Synthesizing the design of a chemical plant URL
비디오 Ch. 6. Isothermal reactor design: Molar flow rate molar flow rate balance algorithm applications of the molar flow rate algorithm to micro reactor membrane reactor, unsteady state of operation of stirred reactors URL
10. 비디오 Ch. 6. Isothermal reactor design: Molar flow rate mole balances on CSTRs, PFRs, PBR, and batch reactor URL
비디오 Ch. 7. Collection and analysis of rate data Rate data collection URL
11. 비디오 Ch. 8. Multiple reaction Defintition, Algorithm for multiple reaction URL
비디오 Ch. 8. Multiple reaction Parrallel reaction, Reation in series URL
12. 비디오 Ch. 8. Multiple reaction Complex reaction, Membraine reactor to improve selectivity in multiple reaction URL

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