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  • 주제분류
    공학 >정밀ㆍ에너지 >원자력공학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 1학기
  • 조회수
This is a lecuture describing the atomic-level kinetics of thermal energy storage, transport (conduction, convection, and radiation), and transformation (various energy conversions) by principal ennergy carriers (phonon, electron, fluid particle, photon).
Introduction and Preliminaries
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction and Preliminaries Macroscopic Energy Equation and Role of Microscale (Atomic-Level) Heat Carriers: Electron, Phonon, Fluid Particle, and Photon; Atomic-level Energy Kinetics: Length, Time, and Energy Scales; Scope of Heat Transfer Physics URL
2. 비디오 Molecular Orbitals-Potentials-Dynamics, and Quantum Energy States Interatomic Forces, Potentials and Models; Ab Initio Interatomic Potential Calculations and Models URL
3. 비디오 Molecular Orbitals-Potentials-Dynamics, and Quantum Energy States Statistical Ensembles, Energies, Temperature, and Partition Function; Hamiltonian Mechanics, Computational Classical Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulation and Scales URL
4. 비디오 Carrier Energy Transporat and Transition Theories Boltzmann Transport Equation (BTE); In- and Out-Scattering URL
5. 비디오 Carrier Energy Transporat and Transition Theories Relaxation Time Approximation; Evaluation of Scattering and Energy Interaction Rates, Fermi Golden Rule URL
6. 비디오 Carrier Energy Transporat and Transition Theories Maxwell Equations; Onsager Transport Coefficients URL
7. 비디오 Carrier Energy Transporat and Transition Theories Stochastic Transport Processes (Langevin Equation); Green-Kubo (G-K) Autocorrelation Decay and Lattice Thermal Conductivity URL
8. 비디오 Phonon Dispersion in Harmonic Lattice Vibration (Acoustic and Optical Phonons); Phonon Density of States URL
9. 비디오 Phonon Reciprocal Lattice Space and Brillouin Zones; Lattice Specific Heat Capacity URL
10. 비디오 Phonon Phonon BTE and Callaway Lattice Conductivity Model (Single-Mode Relaxation Time); Phonon Scattering Relaxation Times; URL
11. 비디오 Phonon Cahill-Pohl Minimum Lattice Conductivity; Material Metrics of Lattice Conductivity (Slack Relation), Phonon Boundary Resistance; Ultrasound Heating; Size Effects URL
12. 비디오 Electron Model Band Structures and Effective Electron Mass in Semiconductors; Periodic Electron Gas Model for Metals; Electron Density of States for Semiconductors and Fermi Level; Electron Specific Heat Capacity URL
13. 비디오 Electron Electron BTE for Semiconductors; Energy-Dependent and Average Relaxation Time; Semiconductor and Metal TE Transport Coefficients (Electrical Conductivity, Seebeck Coefficient, Peltier Coefficient, Electric Thermal Conductivity, and Wiedemann-Franz law) URL
14. 비디오 Electron Electron Scattering by Phonons; Electron-Phonon Thermal Nonequilibrium and Cooling Length; Size Effects URL
15. 비디오 Fluid Particle Ab Initio Calculations of Quantum States, Quantum Fluid Particle Electronic, Translational, Vibrational, and Rotational Energy States and Partition Functions; Fluid Particle Specific Heat Capacity (Ideal Gas and Dense Fluid) URL
16. Fluid Particle Fluid Particle BTE; Equilibrium Energy Distribution Function; Binary Collision Rate; Relaxation Time and Mean Free Path; Theoretical Maximum Evaporation/Condensation Heat Transfer Rate
17. Fluid Particle Planck Distribution for Photon Gas (Blackbody Radiation); Lasers and Narrow Band Emission
18. Photon Population Rate Equation for Photon Absorption and Stimulated and Spontaneous Emissions in Two-Level Electronic Systems; Einstein Coefficients, Absorption Coefficient and Cross-Section Area
19. Photon Photon Particle Treatment and BTE with Absorption, Emission, and Scattering Cross-Section Areas; Radiation Intensity and Equation of Radiative Transfer (ERT) and its Relation with Macroscopic Energy Equation; Optically Thick Limit of ERT and Radiant Thermal Conductivity; Wave (Coherent) Treatment of Photon (Photon Localization)
20. Photon Emission and Surface Emissivity; Radiative and Nonradiative (Involving Phonon Emission) Decays and Quantum Efficiency; Anti-Stokes Fluorescence (Phonon Absorption) and Photon-Electron-Phonon Couplings (Laser Cooling of Solids); Gas Lasers and Laser Cooling of Atomic and Molecular Gases; Photovoltaic Solar Cell; Size Effects

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