
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >사회과학기타 >신문방송학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 1학기
  • 조회수
-To introduce scientific research methods that are commonly used for communication field (journalism, public relations, advertising, and political communication, etc).

-To learn how and when to use the most appropriate research method to investigate the question at hand in both the theoretical and practical settings.

-To learn how to apply basic numerical and statistical concepts.

-To understand major quantitative (e.g., survey, experiment, and content analysis) and qualitative (e.g., focus group, in-depth interview) research methods.

-To understand the role of research in media institutions and basic concepts of research evaluation.

-To understand ethical issues and human subject protections in the research process.
Lecture Orientation (20120305_yoo)
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Lecture Orientation (20120305_yoo) Lecture Orientation URL
2. 비디오 Team Research Orientation (20120307_yoo) Team Research Orientation URL
3. 비디오 Marketing Research(20120312_yoo) Marketing Research URL
4. 비디오 Scientific Research (20120314_yoo) Scientific Research URL
5. 비디오 Scientific Research 2(20120319__yoo) Scientific Research URL
6. 비디오 Variables(20120321_yoo) Variables URL
7. 비디오 First team presentation (20120326_yoo) First team presentation URL
8. 비디오 First team presentation 2(20120328_yoo) First team presentation 2 URL
9. 비디오 Variables, Measurement (20120402_yoo) Variables, Measurement URL
10. 비디오 Measurement (20120404_yoo) Measurement URL
11. 비디오 Measurement, Scales (20120409_yoo) Measurement, Scales URL
12. 비디오 Survey Question (20120416_yoo) Survey Question URL
13. 비디오 Conducting Experiment (20120418_yoo) Conducting Experiment URL
14. 비디오 Second team presentation(20120430_yoo) Second team presentation URL
15. 비디오 Second team presentation 2(20120502_yoo) Second team presentation 2 URL
비디오 Statistics(20120507_yoo) Statistics URL
비디오 Central tendency (20120514_yoo) Central tendency URL
비디오 Example of final presentation, Q&A(20120516_yoo) Example of final presentation, Q&A URL
비디오 Data Analysis (20120521_yoo) Data Analysis URL
비디오 Bivariate Analysis (20120523_yoo) Bivariate Analysis URL
비디오 Content Analysis (20120530_yoo) Content Analysis URL
비디오 An Example of C.A (20120604) An Example of C.A URL
비디오 Final team presentation 1(20120611_yoo) Final team presentation 1 URL
비디오 Final team presentation 2(20120613_yoo) Final team presentation 2 URL

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