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    교육학 >교육일반 >기타
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What is the role of a headteacher? This film explores the knowledge, attitude and actions that define school leadership through the experience of headteacher Clara Isela Martinez Gomez at her tiny suburban primary school of 22 de Septiembre 1972 in Cosoleacaque, Southern Veracruz. Since she started working on the pilot project to develop new standards for school leaders, Clara has been inspired to reassess her leadership style, and this has had a knock-on effect on every aspect of school life, from the open-door policy for parents, welcoming their support and scrutiny, to the shared-leadership strategies which encourage class teachers to run their own projects. The benefits of the standards are also being shared with other headteachers, through an innovative local network that brings together representatives from primary and secondary, rural and urban schools.

Video Series: School Leadership
Release Date 2009

연관 자료


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