
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >부동산학
  • 강의학기
    2021년 1학기
  • 조회수
다양한 정보와 지식을 이해하고 문제를 규명하며 분석·추론하여 이를 바탕으로 문제 해결에 적용할 수 있다.

외국어에 대한 자신감, 문화적 다양성 수용, 전지구적 도전과제에 대한 이해를 토대로 글로벌 공동체의식을 함양할 수 있다.
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 4254_week1_01 Introduction; Setting the stage URL
비디오 4254_week1_02 Introduction; Setting the stage URL
비디오 4254_week1_03 Introduction; Setting the stage URL
2. 비디오 4254_week2_01 US metropolitan areas I: Geography, environments, and markets URL
비디오 4254_week2_02 US metropolitan areas I: Geography, environments, and markets URL
비디오 4254_week2_03 US metropolitan areas I: Geography, environments, and markets URL
3. 비디오 4254_week3_01 US metropolitan areas II: Trends in residential real estate markets URL
비디오 4254_week3_02 US metropolitan areas II: Trends in residential real estate markets URL
비디오 4254_week3_03 US metropolitan areas II: Trends in residential real estate markets URL
4. 비디오 4254_week4_01 Government controls and real estate markets URL
비디오 4254_week4_02 Government controls and real estate markets URL
비디오 4254_week4_03 Government controls and real estate markets URL
5. 비디오 4254_week5_01 Market determinants of value URL
비디오 4254_week5_02 Market determinants of value URL
비디오 4254_week5_03 Market determinants of value URL
비디오 4254_week5_04 Market determinants of value URL
6. 비디오 4254_week6_01 Valuation I URL
비디오 4254_week6_02 Valuation I URL
비디오 4254_week6_03 Valuation I URL
비디오 4254_week6_04 Valuation I URL
7. 비디오 4254_week7_01 Valuation II URL
비디오 4254_week7_02 Valuation II URL
비디오 4254_week7_03 Valuation II URL
8. 비디오 4254_week9_01 Legal foundations of real estate URL
비디오 4254_week9_02 Legal foundations of real estate URL
9. 비디오 4254_week10_01 Residential mortgage types and borrower decisions URL
비디오 4254_week10_02 Residential mortgage types and borrower decisions URL
비디오 4254_week10_03 Residential mortgage types and borrower decisions URL
10. 비디오 4254_week11_01 Sources of funds for residential mortgages URL
비디오 4254_week11_02 Sources of funds for residential mortgages URL
비디오 4254_week11_03 Sources of funds for residential mortgages URL
11. 비디오 4254_week12_01 Development and housing policy URL
비디오 4254_week12_02 Development and housing policy URL
비디오 4254_week12_03 Development and housing policy URL
비디오 4254_week12_04 Development and housing policy URL
12. 비디오 4254_week13_01 US metropolitan areas III: Trends in commercial real estate markets URL
비디오 4254_week13_02 US metropolitan areas III: Trends in commercial real estate markets URL
비디오 4254_week13_03 US metropolitan areas III: Trends in commercial real estate markets URL
13. 비디오 4254_week14_01 Financing and investing in commercial real estate URL
비디오 4254_week14_02 Financing and investing in commercial real estate URL
비디오 4254_week14_03 Financing and investing in commercial real estate URL
14. 비디오 4254_week15_01 Investment decisions URL
비디오 4254_week15_02 Investment decisions URL
비디오 4254_week15_03 Investment decisions URL

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