
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    자연과학 >생물ㆍ화학ㆍ환경 >생화학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 2학기
  • 조회수
생명과학의 가장 중심이 되는 분자생물학 전반에 관한 개론적인 내용을 학습한다. 주로 핵산과 관련하여 DNA 복제의 기전, 세포의 유전자 발현 조절, 유전자 재조합 기술 등을 다룬다.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Introduction Introduction to Molecular Biology -Syllabus - Historical Background. URL
2. 문서 Macromolecules Proteins, Nucleic acid, polysaccharide, and lipid. Structure and Function of macromolecules. URL
3. 문서 Structure of Macromolecules: nucleic acid Structure and Function of Proteins. Structure and Function of Nucleic acids - On the biological membrane. URL
4. 문서 Genetic Material Experimental evidances that DNA is the Genetic material. Characteristics of Genetic material. URL
5. 문서 DNA Replication Basic mechanism of DNA. Enzymologies for DNA replication. URL
6. 문서 Mutageneis Types of mutagenesis. Spontaneous mutagenesis and induced mutagenesis. Ames test. URL
7. 문서 DNA Repair types of DNA repair. Direct repair. Excision repair, SOS repair. URL
8. 문서 Transcription RNA polymerase. Elements for transcription. Stages of Transcription. URL
9. 문서 Gene Expression(1) concepts for gene expression. diauxic growth curve.one the lac operon. URL
10. 문서 Gene Expression(2) operon.arabinose operon.trp operon. URL
11. 문서 Translation(1); Protein synthesis Elements for translation.Genetic code. Characteristics of genetic code. URL
12. 문서 Translation(2); Protein synthesis Elements for translation. mRNA. ribosome . tRNA .amino acids. URL
13. 문서 Translation(3); Protein synthesis Stages of translation. initiation; SD sequence, P site, A-site, fMet-tRNA, IFs - elongation; transpeptidation, translocation, G-protein, EFs - termination; stop codons, RFs, RRF URL
14. 문서 Genomics and Applications of gene manipulation Introduction to Genomics - Overview of gene manipulation.Applications of genetic engineering. URL

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