
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    자연과학 >생물ㆍ화학ㆍ환경 >수의학
  • 강의학기
    2013년 1학기
  • 조회수
This course introduces the infectious diseases of domestic animals, such as bovine, swine, equine, goats and sheep. The etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases are discussed in the course. The emerging diseases in foreign countries are also introduced.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 -Chapter 3:Infection and immunity -Chapter 7:The structure of bacterial cells -Chapter 8:Cultivation, preservation and inactivation of bacteria -Chapter 3:Infection and immunity -Chapter 7:The structure of bacterial cells -Chapter 8:Cultivation, preservation and inactivation of bacteria URL
2. 문서 -Chapter 13: Bacterial colonization, tissue invasion and clinical disease -Chapter 14: Staphylococcus species -Chapter 13: Bacterial colonization, tissue invasion and clinical disease -Chapter 14: Staphylococcus species URL
3. 문서 -Chapter 15 Streptococci -Chapter 15 Streptococci URL
문서 -Chapter 16 Actinobacteria -Chapter 16 Actinobacteria URL
4. 문서 -Chapter 17 Corynebacterium species -Chapter 17 Corynebacterium species URL
문서 -Chapter 18 Rhodococcus equi -Chapter 18 Rhodococcus equi URL
5. 문서 -Chapter 19 Listeriosis -Chapter 20 Swine Erysipelas -Chapter 21 Bacillus species -Chapter 19 Listeriosis -Chapter 20 Swine Erysipelas -Chapter 21 Bacillus species URL
6. 문서 -Chapter 22 Clostridium species -Chapter 22 Clostridium species URL
문서 -Chapter 23 Mycobacterium species -Chapter 23 Mycobacterium species URL
7. 문서 -Chapter 24 Enterobacteriaceae -Chapter 24 Enterobacteriaceae URL
8. 문서 -Chapter 24 Salmonella and Yersinia -Chapter 24 Salmonella and Yersinia URL
9. 문서 -Chapeter 25: Burkholderia species -Chapeter 25: Burkholderia species URL
문서 -Chapter 27 Pasteurella species and Mannheimia haemolytica -Chapter 27 Pasteurella species and Mannheimia haemolytica URL
10. 문서 -Chapter 29 Haemophilus species -Chapter 30 Taylorella equigenitalis: Contagious equine metritis -Chapter 29 Haemophilus species -Chapter 30 Taylorella equigenitalis: Contagious equine metritis URL
11. 문서 -Chapter 32 Mraxella bovis -Chapter 33 Brucella species -Chapter 32 Mraxella bovis -Chapter 33 Brucella species URL
12. 문서 -Chapter 34 Campylobacter and Helicobacter species -Chapter 35 Lawsonia intracellularis -Chapter 34 Campylobacter and Helicobacter species -Chapter 35 Lawsonia intracellularis URL
13. 문서 -Chapter 36 Spirochaetes -Chapter 36 Spirochaetes URL
14. 문서 -Chapter 37 Hepatic abscess -Chapter 38 Mycoplasmas -Chapter 37 Hepatic abscess -Chapter 38 Mycoplasmas URL
15. 문서 -Chapter 39 Chlamydia and Chlamydophila species -Chapter 39 Chlamydia and Chlamydophila species URL
16. 문서 -Chapter 9 Bacterial genetics and mechanisms of genetic variation -Chapter 10 Laboratory diagnosis of bacterial disease -Chapter 11 Antimicrobial agents -Chapter 9 Bacterial genetics and mechanisms of genetic variation -Chapter 10 Laboratory diagnosis of bacterial disease -Chapter 11 Antimicrobial agents URL

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