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    인문과학 >언어ㆍ문학 >영어영문학
  • 강의학기
    2015년 2학기
  • 조회수
Welcome! This is a class in English writing for both English and non-English majors. As youd expect, the form of the class is English writing (and I will mostly speak in English too). But the content of the class is going to be work from your other classes--literature, languages other than English, and even political science and economics. Youll bring material that you find interesting from your other classes and you will learn to cite, quote, and comment on what you are doing in your OTHER classes--English and non-English classes--in English. Just as citing and quoting is not simply a matter of using quotation marks, commenting is not just a matter of saying what you think. Well look at three kinds of commenting called elaboration (in other words), extension (and another thing) and enhancement (cause and consequence, reason and result, manner, means and circumstance). Above all, well look at how to structure what you have to say--in sentences, in paragraphs, and beyond.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Introduction: Expansions and Projections. (Homework: Get some data--a quotation from a textbook in one of your other classes will do just fine!) URL
2. 문서 Parataxis, hypotaxis, embedding (Homework: Introduce WHO says WHAT and WHY in your data in a single sentence) URL
3. 문서 Elaboration One: Expanding by rephrasing the data (Homework: elaborating on data through paraphrase, clarification, exemplification) (Homework: write a paragraph elaborating your data) URL
4. 문서 Elaboration Two: Expanding by exemplfication (Homework: Find an example of the point the text is making, preferably from your own or proximal experience) URL
5. 문서 Extension One: Adding on to your trid-term (Homework: You need to find another, related piece of data that makes a similar point) URL
6. 문서 Extension Two: Adding by variation, altenation, and replacement You need to introduce and elaborate your new data, and link it in some way to the old 'sandwich' (your trid-term!) URL
7. 문서 Enhancement One. Expanding the circumstances: setting the scene, creating the characters, and posing the problem of the data. (Homework: writing a 'MAP' paragraph which explains what you are going to do.) URL
8. 문서 Enhancement Two: Narration. Explaining causes and consequences, reasons and results, manner and means. (Homework: Writing a summary conclusion of what you've done with your data. ) URL
9. 문서 Second Trid-term: A sandwich of sandwiches. Put all of the homework assignments together and we evaluate the result. URL
10. 문서 Projection One. Locutions and wordings. (Homework: MLA, APA, and Chicago referencing styles.) URL
11. 문서 Projection Two: Facts and thoughts. (Homework: paraphrasing whole abstracts) URL
12. 문서 Projection Three: Reporting beliefs, counter-beliefs, arguments, and counter-arguments. (Homework: extending authors by replacement and variation.) URL
13. 문서 Projection Four: The Five World Rule. (Homework: Protecting yourself from the charge of plagiarism by using INDIRECT speech.) URL
14. 문서 Putting it All Together. In this week we'll look at MECHANICS the five word rule that prevents plagiarism, the STUD rule which makes sure that every singular noun has a determiner, and other rules on the use of conjunctions, cohesion, and coherence. URL

연관 자료


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