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    인문과학 >언어ㆍ문학 >영어학
  • 강의학기
    2023년 1학기
  • 조회수
본 강좌는 학생들에게 가급적 많은 영어 어휘를 접하게 하고, 어휘의 내부 구조를 분석할 기회를 제공하여 준다.
What is Morphology
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 What is Morphology Introduction to morphology URL
비디오 Word Learning: Social English OWS 59. I can express probability URL
비디오 What is Morphology Terms relevant to 'word' URL
3. 비디오 Word Learning: Social English OWS 60. I can explain similarities and differences URL
비디오 What is Morphology Word formation URL
4. 비디오 Word Learning: Social English OWS 61. I can make arrangements to meet OWS 62. I can discuss my likes and dislikes URL
비디오 Words, Dictionaries, and the Mental Lexicon Notions to know about word URL
5. 비디오 Word Learning: Social English OWS 62. I can discuss my likes and dislikes OWS 63. I can give my opinion URL
비디오 Words, Dictionaries, and the Mental Lexicon The mental lexicon: Acquisition of lexical knowledge URL
6. 비디오 Word Learning: Social English OWS 63. I can give my opinion OWS 64. I can talk about rules URL
비디오 Words, Dictionaries, and the Mental Lexicon The mental lexicon: The organization of the mental lexicon URL
7. 비디오 Word Learning: Social English OWS 64. I can talk about rules OWS 65. I can discuss hopes and plans URL
비디오 Words, Dictionaries, and the Mental Lexicon More about words and dictionaries URL
8. 비디오 Word Learning: Social English OWS 65. I can discuss hopes and plans OWS 66. I can express dissatisfaction URL
비디오 Lexeme Formation: the Familiar Kinds of morphemes URL
비디오 Lexeme Formation: the Familiar Affixation URL
9. 비디오 Word Learning: Social English OWS 66. I can express dissatisfaction OWS 67. I can understand warnings URL
비디오 Lexeme Formation: the Familiar Affixation: Word formation rules, word structures(1) URL
비디오 Lexeme Formation: the Familiar Affixation: Word formation rules, word structures(2) URL
10. 비디오 Word Learning: Language OWS 68. I can use link words URL
비디오 Lexeme Formation: the Familiar Affixation: Word formation rules, word structures URL
비디오 Lexeme Formation: the Familiar Affixation, Compounding URL
11. 비디오 Word Learning: Language OWS 68. I can use link words OWS 69. I can usa a range of adjectives URL
비디오 Lexeme Formation: the Familiar Compounding(1) URL
비디오 Lexeme Formation: the Familiar Compounding(2) URL
12. 비디오 Word Learning: Language OWS 69. I can usa a range of adjectives URL
비디오 Lexeme Formation: the Familiar Compounding(1) URL
비디오 Lexeme Formation: the Familiar Compounding(2) URL
13. 비디오 Word Learning: Language OWS 70. I can express place and time URL
비디오 Lexeme Formation: the Familiar Conversion, minor processes(1) URL
비디오 Lexeme Formation: the Familiar Conversion, minor processes(2) URL
14. 비디오 Word Learning: Language OWS 71. I can use prepositions in phrases OWS 72. I can use prefixes URL
비디오 Lexeme Formation: the Familiar Morphological analysis(1) URL
비디오 Lexeme Formation: the Familiar Morphological analysis(2) URL
15. 비디오 Word Learning: Language OWS 72. I can use prefixes OWS 73. I can use suffixes URL
비디오 Word Learning: Language OWS 74. I can use verb patterns OWS 75. I can phrasal verbs URL
비디오 Class Wrap-up Some take-home message: Growth mindset URL

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