
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >컴퓨터ㆍ통신 >컴퓨터공학
  • 강의학기
    2018년 1학기
  • 조회수
introduce bioinformatics and perform projects related to DNA sequnecing

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Human Genome ntroduce the lecture1. DNA sequence 2. Human genome sequence 3. Sequence Variation URL
2. 문서 Sequencing Technology - technology and history paper presentation, 1. Next Generation Sequencing 2. Genome sequence reconstruction URL
3. 문서 De-novo Sequencing , 1. Challenges in genome sequencing 2. Computer Algorithms 3. Short-read resequencing 4. De-novo Algorithm URL
4. 문서 Trivial Mapping Algorithm , 1. Human genome Project 2. Trivial Mapping Algorithm 3. Algorithm complexity URL
5. 문서 Perfect Matching Algorithm , 1. Perfect Matching Algorithm 2. Complexity of Perfect Matching Algorithm URL
6. 문서 Sequence Mapping - Ultrafast & efficient algorithm , 1. Ultrafast mapping algorithm 2. Burrows Wheeler Transformation URL
7. 문서 Hplotype Phasing Alagorithms , 1. SNP 2. Haplotype 3. Haplotype Phasing URL
8. 문서 Sequence Alignment - background algorithm 1 , 1. Sequencing Alignment 2. Background algorithms 3. Dynamic programming URL
9. 문서 Sequence Alignment - background algorithm , 1. Dynamic programming 2. Tourist Problem URL
10. 문서 Sequencing Algorithms - Sequencing Alignments 1 , Global Sequence Alignment URL
11. 문서 Sequencing Algorithms - Sequence Alignments 2 , Longest common subsequences URL
12. 문서 Sequencing Algorithms - Sequence Alignments 3 , Local sequence alignment URL
13. 문서 Sequencing Algorithms - Sequence Alignments 4 , 1. Alignment with Gap Penalties 2. Affine Gap Penalties URL
14. 문서 Association Study ,1. case/control study 2. Continuous phenotypes 3. Significance of the association 4. Genome-wide association study URL
15. 문서 Association Study - complications , 1. Population structure 2. Confounding effects 3. Linear Mixed Model URL

연관 자료


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