
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >전기ㆍ전자 >전자공학
  • 강의학기
    2019년 2학기
  • 조회수
The objective of this course is to provide the students with the basics of linear systems theory and modern control engineering.

The topics covered include linear algebra, state-space representations, stability analysis, controllability/observability, and state feedback control and estimations.

We will also investigate the application of state-space methods and state feedback control to various engineering systems.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 1강. Introduction & Mathematical Models of Systems 1. Lecture 1_1 : Introduction
- Professor Career
- Overview of Control & Linear Systems
- Notice to Students
- Assignments and Grading Criteria
문서 1강. Introduction & Mathematical Models of Systems 2. Lecture 1_2 : Differential Equations of Physical Systems
- Differential Equation of Spring Mass Damper
- Electrical RLC Circuit
- Kirchoff’s Current Law
2. 문서 2강. Mathematical Models of Systems 1. Lecture 2_1 : Linear Approximations of Physical Systems
- Characteristics of Linear Systems
- The Taylor Series Expansion about the Operating Point
- Second-order LTI Differential equation
- Laplace Transform & Inverse Laplace Transform
- Second Order Differential Equation
문서 2강. Mathematical Models of Systems 2. Lecture 2_2 : The Transfer Function of Linear Systems
- The Transfer Function of Linear Systems
- Block Diagram Models
- Summary
3. 문서 3강. Mathematical Descriptions of Systems 1. Lecture 3_1: state Space Form
- Advantages of the state-space form
- The state-space approach
2. Lecture 3_2: Time-domain analysis
- Lack of Time domain Analysis
- The frequency-domain techniques
3. Lecture 3_3: An engineering system
- Dynamic, Causal,Finite-dimensional, Continuous-time
- Linear Systems
- Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) Systems
- State Space Representation
- Linearisation
4. 문서 4강. Mathematical Descriptions of Systems & Linear Algebra 1. Lecture 4_1: Mathematical Descriptions of Systems Examples
- Orbital Movement of a Satellite
- An RLC Circuit
- Discrete-time feedback system
- Review and Summary
2. Lecture 4_2: Linear Algebra
- Introduction
- Basis
- Theorem
- Summary
5. 문서 5강. State-Space Solutions and Realisations 1. Lecture 5_1: Solution of LTI State-Space Equations
- State-Space Equation Solution of Continuous-time systems
- State-Space Equation Solution of Discrete-time systems
- Examples
- Equivalent state equations
2. Lecture 5_2: Realisations
- Controllable canonical form
- Observable canonical form
- Minimal realisation
- SIMO, MIMO, and Multivariable System
- Examples
6. 문서 6강. Stability 1. Introduction
- Notion of Stability
- Example: Unstable System
- Classification of Stability
2. Input-Output Stability of LTI Systems
- Theorem of BIBO Stability
- BIBO Stability of State Equations
3. Discrete-Time Case
- BIBO Stability of Discrete-Time Systems
4. Internal Stability
- Definition of Internal Stability
5. Lyapunov Theorem
- Positive (Semi-) Definite Matrix
- Lyapunov Equation
7. 문서 7강. Controllability and Observability 1. Introduction
2. Controllability
- Controllability and Algebraic Equivalence
- Controllability Gramian
3. Observability
- Luenberger Observer
- Analysis with the output solution
- Observability Gramian
- Duality of Controllability and Observability
- Minimum Realisation
4. Canonical Decomposition
- Review: Canonical Form
- Controllable/Uncontrollable Decomposition
8. 문서 8강. Controllability and Observability 1. Observable/Unobservable Decomposition
2. Kalman Decomposition
- Example
3. Controllability/Observability for Jordan blocks
3. Discrete-Time State-Space Equations
4. Controllability after sampling
- Example
5. State Feedback and State Estimators
- Introduction
- State Feedback
- Regulation and Tracking
- State Estimator
- Feedback from Estimated States
9. 문서 9강. State Feedback and State Estimators 1. Regulation and Tracking with Robustness
- Regulation and Tracking
- Example
- Feedforward Pre-compensation
- Robust Tracking: Integral Action
- State Feedback with Integral Action
- Reduction of Block Diagram
2. State Feedback with State Estimation
- Notion of State Estimation
- Open-loop State Observer
- Feedback Observer
- Structure of a State Observer
- Stability of the Observer
- Example
10. 문서 10강. Introduction to Optimal Control and Estimation 1. Introduction
2. The basic optimal control problem
- Optimal Control
- The Dynamic System to be controlled
- System Constraints
- The Task to be performed
- The Performance Criterion
3. Optimal linear quadratic state feedback
- Optimal Quadratic Control
- Review: Positive (Semi-)Definite Matrices
- Optimal LQ State Feedback (LQR)
- Tuning Parameters
- Example (LQR design)

연관 자료


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