
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    자연과학 >생물ㆍ화학ㆍ환경 >생물학
  • 강의학기
    2014년 1학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    2.5/5.0 (2)
동물의 세포를 중심으로 하여 그 구조와 기능을 분자생물학적인 차원에서 추구한다. 세포막과 세포질 및 핵을 비롯한 각종 세포구조물의 고유기능과 각 구조물질간의 기능상의 상관관계를 규명함으로써, 세포를 이용한 생물공학적 첨단기술의 개발과 그 산업화에 필요한 기초지식을 제공한다.
1-1 An overview of molecular cell biology
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 1-1 An overview of molecular cell biology - Basic Concepts of Molecular Cell Biology - How to studuy Molecular Cell Biology - Terminology explanation URL
문서 1-1 An overview of molecular cell biology - Basic Concepts of Molecular Cell Biology - How to studuy Molecular Cell Biology - Terminology explanation 소스URL
비디오 1-2 Basic concepts of molecular cell biology - 生(Living) 의 의미 - Basic mechanism of living phenomena - Ecological hierachy - Cell Theory URL
문서 1-2 Basic concepts of molecular cell biology - 生(Living) 의 의미 - Basic mechanism of living phenomena - Ecological hierachy - Cell Theory 소스URL
2. 비디오 2-1 Comparison of prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell - What is prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? - Comparison of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms URL
문서 2-1 Comparison of prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell - What is prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells? - Comparison of prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms 소스URL
비디오 2-2 viruses and animal cell culture - Viruses - Growth of animal cells in culture URL
문서 2-2 viruses and animal cell culture - Viruses - Growth of animal cells in culture 소스URL
3. 비디오 3-1 Organelles of eukaryotic cells (1) - structure and function of cell organelles URL
문서 3-1 Organelles of eukaryotic cells (1) - structure and function of cell organelles 소스URL
비디오 3-2 Organelles of eukaryotic cells (2) - Nucleus - Mitochondria - Cytoskeleton - Centrosome - Plant cell organelle URL
문서 3-2 Organelles of eukaryotic cells (2) - Nucleus - Mitochondria - Cytoskeleton - Centrosome - Plant cell organelle 소스URL
4. 비디오 Different types of cell tissue 4-1 Cell types (1) - Cell types of vertebrate URL
문서 Different types of cell tissue 4-1 Cell types (1) - Cell types of vertebrate 소스URL
비디오 Different types of cell tissue 4-2 Cell types (2) - Cell types of vertebrate URL
문서 Different types of cell tissue 4-2 Cell types (2) - Cell types of vertebrate 소스URL
5. 비디오 Major investigative methods for cell research 5-1 Experimental model - Major investigative methods of cell - Cell as experimental models URL
문서 Major investigative methods for cell research 5-1 Experimental model - Major investigative methods of cell - Cell as experimental models 소스URL
비디오 Major investigative methods for cell research 5-2 Microscopy - Microscopy - Systems for cell biology study URL
문서 Major investigative methods for cell research 5-2 Microscopy - Microscopy - Systems for cell biology study 소스URL
6. 비디오 plasma membrane 6-1 Structual and functional chracteristics - Structural and functional characteristics of membrane URL
문서 plasma membrane 6-1 Structual and functional chracteristics - Structural and functional characteristics of membrane 소스URL
비디오 plasma membrane 6-2 membrane protein - Structural and functional characteristics of membrane URL
문서 plasma membrane 6-2 membrane protein - Structural and functional characteristics of membrane 소스URL
7. 비디오 plasma membrane (2) 7-1 membrane transport - Simple diffusion - channel protein - Carrier protein URL
문서 plasma membrane (2) 7-1 membrane transport - Simple diffusion - channel protein - Carrier protein 소스URL
비디오 plasma membrane (2) 7-2 endocytosis - membrane electric potent - electric potential - changes in memb. Potential - transmitting action potential - signaling at synapse - endocytosis - pinocytosis URL
문서 plasma membrane (2) 7-2 endocytosis - membrane electric potent - electric potential - changes in memb. Potential - transmitting action potential - signaling at synapse - endocytosis - pinocytosis 소스URL
8. 비디오 Cell wall, ecm and junction 9-1 Cell wall and ECM - Cell wall, the extracellular matrix, and interaction - Extra cellular matrix(ECM) URL
문서 Cell wall, ecm and junction 9-1 Cell wall and ECM - Cell wall, the extracellular matrix, and interaction - Extra cellular matrix(ECM) 소스URL
비디오 Cell wall, ecm and junction 9-2 ECM (2) - Cell wall, the extracellular matrix, and interaction - Extra cellular matrix(ECM) URL
문서 Cell wall, ecm and junction 9-2 ECM (2) - Cell wall, the extracellular matrix, and interaction - Extra cellular matrix(ECM) 소스URL
9. 비디오 10-1 cell junction - Tight J - Anchoring J - Communicating J URL
문서 10-1 cell junction - Tight J - Anchoring J - Communicating J 소스URL
비디오 10-2 bioenergetics - Electron transfer - Mitochondria URL
문서 10-2 bioenergetics - Electron transfer - Mitochondria 소스URL
10. 비디오 Bioenergetics 11-1 Bioenergetics & metabolism - Protein import - Metabolism in mitochondria - Peroxisome URL
문서 Bioenergetics 11-1 Bioenergetics & metabolism - Protein import - Metabolism in mitochondria - Peroxisome 소스URL
비디오 Bioenergetics 11-2 Bioenergetics & metabolism (2) - Protein import - Metabolism in mitochondria - Peroxisome URL
문서 Bioenergetics 11-2 Bioenergetics & metabolism (2) - Protein import - Metabolism in mitochondria - Peroxisome 소스URL
11. 비디오 12-1 cytoskeleton - structure & organization of action filament URL
문서 12-1 cytoskeleton - structure & organization of action filament 소스URL
비디오 12-2 cell movement - Actin, Myosin, and Cell Movement URL
문서 12-2 cell movement - Actin, Myosin, and Cell Movement 소스URL
12. 비디오 13-1 Cytoskeleton II - Cytoskeleton ll - Intermediate filaments - Microtubules URL
문서 13-1 Cytoskeleton II - Cytoskeleton ll - Intermediate filaments - Microtubules 소스URL
비디오 13-2 micromotortubule motor & movement - Microtubule motors and movement URL
문서 13-2 micromotortubule motor & movement - Microtubule motors and movement 소스URL
13. 비디오 14-1 Protein processing 학습 - Protein sorting in ER URL
문서 14-1 Protein processing 학습 - Protein sorting in ER 소스URL
비디오 14-2 Protein processing 학습2 - Protein folding & processing in ER URL
문서 14-2 Protein processing 학습2 - Protein folding & processing in ER 소스URL
14. 비디오 15-1 Protein sorting & transport 학습 - Golgi apparatus URL
문서 15-1 Protein sorting & transport 학습 - Golgi apparatus 소스URL
비디오 15-2 Protein sorting & transport 학습 - Lysosome - Nucleus URL
문서 15-2 Protein sorting & transport 학습 - Lysosome - Nucleus 소스URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

강의 평가를 위해서는 로그인 해주세요.
mi***** 2017-07-28 16:41
강의내용은 아래에 PDF 다운 받으셔야 돼요
dr***** 2017-03-01 23:06
강의 내용은 안보이고 교수님 얼굴만 보이는군요.. 오디오 강의?


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