
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >기계ㆍ금속 >기계공학
  • 강의학기
    2022년 2학기
  • 조회수
This course introduces the basic priciples of feedback control of dynamic system, related system analysis technics, and the design of the controller satisfying the given dynamic specifications. To achieve the course goals, system odeling technics descrbing the dynamic systems into mathematical differential equations, technics (root locus, Nyquist) analyzing the dynamic characteristics (stability, tranqusient response) in both time and frequency domain ill be studied. Also, PID and lead-lag controller design method that makes the system dynamic characteristics satisfy the required specifications will be investigated.
Introduction to Feedback Control
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction to Feedback Control URL
비디오 The Laplace Transform URL
2. 비디오 The Laplace Transform (Inverse Laplace Transform, Partial Fraction Expansion) URL
비디오 Solving linear time-invariant differential equations using L.T. URL
3. 비디오 Transfer Functions, Impulse response URL
비디오 Block diagrams, block diagram reduction URL
4. 비디오 Block diagram reduction, Signal flow graph (1) URL
비디오 Block diagram reduction, Signal flow graph (2) URL
비디오 Signal flow graph, Mason’s rule (1) URL
비디오 Signal flow graph, Mason’s rule (2) URL
5. 비디오 State space representation URL
비디오 Converting s.s. to a T.F. and TF to SS URL
6. 비디오 Linearization-1st order system, 2nd order system (1) URL
비디오 Linearization-1st order system, 2nd order system (2) URL
비디오 Linearization-1st order system, 2nd order system (3) URL
7. 비디오 2nd order system, Higher order systems, Stability analysis URL
비디오 Higher order systems, Stability analysis, Steady-state errors in unity feedback control systems URL
8. 비디오 Static error constant, Steady-state error for nonunity feedback URL
비디오 Root-Locus Analysis (Root-Locus plots, pole-zero cancellation) URL
9. 비디오 Root-Locus Analysis (Nonminimum phase system, positive feedback system, conditionally stable system) (1) URL
비디오 Root-Locus Analysis (Nonminimum phase system, positive feedback system, conditionally stable system) (2) URL
비디오 Control Systems Design by the Root-Locus Method (Lead compensation) URL
10. 비디오 Control Systems Design by the Root-Locus Method (Lag compensation, Lead-Lag compensation) URL
비디오 Control Systems Design by the Root-Locus Method (Lead-Lag compensation, paralle compensation, velocity feedback) URL
11. 비디오 Frequency Response Analysis (Bode plots of first-order factors) URL
비디오 Frequency Response Analysis (Bode plots of first-order & quadratic factors) URL
12. 비디오 Frequency Response Analysis (system types and log-magnitude curve) URL
비디오 Frequency Response Analysis (polar plots) URL
13. 비디오 Frequency Response Analysis (Nyquist stability criterion) URL
비디오 Frequency Response Analysis (Nyquist stability criterion, relative stability) URL
14. 비디오 Control Systems Design by Frequency Response (Lead compensation, Lag compensation, Lead-Lag compensation) URL

연관 자료


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