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본 교과과정은 재료의 특성과 구조를 정량적으로 (semi-quantitatively) 예측하기 위해 화학결합에 대한 개념적인 이해를 목적으로 한다. 이 과목은 양자역학의 수식이 아닌 양자역학의 개념으로 화학 교육에 큰 획을 그은 Linus Pauling의 방법과 유사하게 진행된다. 또한 이 과목을 통해서 지난 40년 동안의 양자 역학 계산으로부터 얻어진 새로운 결과에 대한 이해와, 화학, 생물학, 재료과학 시스템의 구조와 특성에 대한 원자 범위의 양자 역학적 이해를 증진시키고자 한다. 이 과목은 분자, 의학, 그리고 재료를 설계하고 특성화 시키는데 관심 있는 기계공학, 지구물리학, 물리학, 생명화학, 응용물리학, 화학공학, 신소재공학, 화학 분야의 실험가 및 이론가 모두를 대상으로 한다.

차시별 강의

문서 화학결합의 특성 1강 강의자료 - Elements of QM
- QM 1st postulate:-wavefunctions tell all
- Nature of KE
- Stability H atom
- stability H2+, Role of KE
- Wavefunction two electrons
문서 화학결합의 특성 2강 강의자료 - Wavefunction H atoms
- Atomic units
- States of H2+ and Origin of binding
- VB wavefunction H2, origin of binding
- MO wavefunction of H2, excited states
문서 화학결합의 특성 3강 강의자료 - Compare VB,MO H2
- QM 2nd postulate: KE gradΨ squared
- QM 3rd postulate: variational principle
- Derive Shrodinger eqn
- Nodal theorem
- Reexamine H2+
- Inversion symmetry, H2+ and H2
- QM 4th postulate: phase not matter
- QM 5th postulate: Electron spin
- spin orbitals
- Permutational symmetry
문서 화학결합의 특성 4강 강의자료 - QM 6th postulate: Pauli Priniciple
- Antisymmetrizer or determinant operator
문서 화학결합의 특성 5강 강의자료 - Energy 2 electron systems
- Exchange energy
- Energy VB H2
- VB resonance energy
- Contragradience
- H atom excited states
- Angular momentum states
문서 화학결합의 특성 6강 강의자료 - Sizes and energies H atom
- He atom wavefunction, shielding
- Li atom 2s vs. 2p
- Aufbau principle for atoms
- Trends in periodic table
- 4s vs 3d transition metals
문서 화학결합의 특성 7강 강의자료 - ground state B, C, N, O, F, Ne
- energies and orbital diagram
- Bonding H to He, Ne, F, O
- Bond angle H2O, origin distortion from 90
- Bonding H to N, bond angles NH3
문서 화학결합의 특성 8강 강의자료 - Elements Group theory
- Representations C2v
- Sterergraphic projections
- Apply to states of AH2
- Representations C3v
- Apply to states of AH3
- Representations C∞v
- Apply to states of AH
- Bonding of H to C
- Success for SiH2, failure for CH2
- orbital hybridization in Be atom
- bonding in BeH, MgH
문서 화학결합의 특성 9강 강의자료 - reexamine bonding of H to C using VB model
- 2 vs 4- for CH, SiH
- 3B1 vs 1A1 for CH2, SiH2, success
- Planar vs pyramidal for CH3, SiH3
- Bonding in BHn and AlHn
- Rexamine bonding in NH, OH, FH
문서 화학결합의 특성 10강 강의자료 - Bonding C to F
- 2 vs 4- for CF
- 3B1 vs 1A1 for CF2
- Planar vs pyramidal for CF3
- Bond CH3 to CH3 to form ethane
- Staggered vs eclipsed, origin
- Trends bond angles
- Bond energies: De, D0, D298
- Snap bond energies
문서 화학결합의 특성 11강 강의자료 - Propane
- Substituent effects
- CF3-CF3
- CH2 + CH2, double bonds
- Planar vs twisted
- Singlet vs triplet
- Bond energy CF2=CF2
- CH + CH, triple bonds
문서 화학결합의 특성 12강 강의자료 - Diamond crystal structure
- C, Si, Ge, Sn
- Miller indices
- Si (100) surface, reconstruction, dimer formation
- P(2x1) vs C(2x2)
- Si(111) reconstruction, 7x7
- DAS model, explanation
- Comparison of various reconstructions
문서 화학결합의 특성 13강 강의자료 - Si (110) reconstruction
- Zincblende (sphalerite) structure, GaAs
- GaAs(100), (110), (111) unreconstructed
- Reconstruction GaAs (110), 1x1 (need to add to ppt)
- Band states of Si
- n and p dopants, effect on Fermi energy
- pinning of Fermi energy due to surface dangling bonds
- GaAs, n and p dopants,
문서 화학결합의 특성 14강 강의자료 -III-V (110) reconstruction, details
-GaAs(100) reconstruction, 2x4, details
-Principle of charge neutrality
-Band states, valence band, conduction band, band gap
-Details on effects of dopants in Si and GaAs
문서 화학결합의 특성 15강 강의자료 -Homonuclear diatomics
-Mulliken Correlation Diagram (separated atom, united atom)
-N2 and N2+
-C2 and O2
문서 화학결합의 특성 16강 강의자료 -More on O2
-Role in stratosphere and ionosphere
-GVB description
-Bonding H to O2
-Bonding O to O2 to form ozone
-Photochemical smog
문서 화학결합의 특성 17강 강의자료 -HOOH and HO2 bond energies
-GVB model of ozone
-Charge transfer model of ozone
-GVB orbitals N2
-More on C2
-London dispersion and vdw attraction
-Nobel gas dimers,
-Ionic bonding, NaCl
-Ionic crystals
-B1 or NaCl
-B2 or CsCl
-Ionic radii
-Size criteria B1 and B2
-Wurtzite or B4
-Sphalerite or B3
-Size criteria B3 and B4
-Exper structures II-VI
-CaF2 structure
-Rutile structure
-Electrostatic balance principle
문서 화학결합의 특성 18강 강의자료 -Application of EBP to BaTiO3
-QEq method estimate charges
-Interpretation of hardness
-Perovskite structures
-BaTiO3: 4 phases, 3 ferroelectric
-Optimum structures distorted even for cubic
-Predicted phase transitions
-Polarizable QEq.
-Diffuse x-ray scattering
-FE Domain walls
-180 degree, simulations
-90 degree simulations
-Origin of aging effects, dendritic vacancies
문서 화학결합의 특성 19강 강의자료 -Woodward-Hoffmann Rules
-Orbital correlation diagrams for 2+2 and 2+4 cyloadditions
-GVB description H2+D to H+HD exchange reaction
문서 화학결합의 특성 20강 강의자료 -GVB description of 4e cyclization reaction
-GVB description of 2+2 and 2+4 cyloadditions
-Transition metals
-Bonding to TM: geometry, hybridization, bond angles
-Bonds to H and C can be covalent
-Compare Ni, Pd, Pt
-Oxidative addition, reductive coupling of HH, HC, and CC bonds to Pd ant Pt
-GVB orbitals (PH3)2M(CH3)2 for Pt and Pd: GS is s1d9
-GVB orbitals (PH3)2Pt(CH3)2(Cl)2. GS is s2d8
-Barriers and interpretation. GVB orbitals at TS
-Explanation of difference between Pd and Pt
문서 화학결합의 특성 21강 강의자료 -Bonding in MH+ for all 3 rows TM
-Trends bond E, charge transfer, GVB orbitals
-Trends in ground states of M+ (configuration and size)
-Role exchange energy in bonding
-Role promotion energy in bonding, best is s1dn-1
-Catalysis: CH4 to CH3OH
-Periana-Catalytica (bpym)PtCl2 catalysts
-QM methods with solvation
-Stability, mechanism, catalytic cycle,
-Water poisoning
문서 화학결합의 특성 22강 강의자료 -QM rapid prototyping
-Discovery of IrNNC catalyst, 2003
-Experimental confirmation, 2009
-Other metals
-pH dependence
-Product stability
문서 화학결합의 특성 23강 강의자료 -QM methods vs. exper
-Grubbs carbene Ru Metathesis catalysts
-Selection rules for TM 2+2 reactions
-GVB for Cl2TiH + D2  for Cl2TiD + HD
-V2O5 oxidative dehydrogenation of Propane
-Propene ammoxidation by BiMoOx
-Spectator oxo stabilization
-ReaxFF simulations
-Application to Mo3VOx
문서 화학결합의 특성 24강 강의자료 oxymyoglobin Dec. 1
- Application of ReaxFF to the M1 phase
- Implications for the mechanism of propane ammoxidation
- Hemoglobin, Myoglobin, the heme, and porphyrin
- The d states in porphyrin: q, t, and s
- Effects of heme and axial ligand on q, t, and s
- Binding of O2 to heme. Role of exchange in stabilizing singlet (t)
- Binding of CO to heme. Stabilizing s (singlet)
문서 화학결합의 특성 25강 강의자료 metallic bonding Dec. 2
- Bonding in metals
- Bcc, fcc, hcp, dhcp
- Interstitial electron model (IEM)
- Bonding of hydrocarbon species (CH3, CH2, CH, C) to Pt
- Steric effects for substituents
- Barriers
- Comparisons to bonding to Ir, Os, Pd, Rh, Ru
문서 화학결합의 특성 26강 강의자료 Hypervalent Bonding Dec. 3
- XeF2, 3center-4electron charge transfer bond
- XeF4, XeF6, XeCl2, KrF2, etc
- ClF3, ClF5
- SF4 and SF6
- PF5 and F3PO
- Ozone revisited
- IBX chemistry
문서 화학결합의 특성 27강 강의자료 cuprate superconductors Dec. 14
- Cuprate superconductors, CuO2 layers
- La2-xSrxCuO4:Tc=35K
- YBa2Cu3O7-x; Tc=92K
- (Hg0.8Tl0.2)Ba2Ca2Cu3O8.33; Tc=138K
- Antiferromagnetic coupling, superexchange
- Where are the holes from doping? Op , Op∏, Cu3+
- Universal (T/Tc) vs. doping
- La2CuO4: Old band calculations wrong, B3LYP good gap
- B3LYP on La2-xSrxCuO4 → holes out of plane near Sr
- Get apical exciton and plaquette exciton
- Plaquette exciton → ex and ey states → e+ and e- chiral
- New theory superconductivity: chiral plaquette polaron paradigm
- Explains Universal (T/Tc) vs. doping
- Predict maximum Tc could be increased by 70% to 235K with ordered dopants
- D wave pairing
- Transport properties

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