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Sarah Jeffery teaches at Icknield Primary School, one of the largest providers for deaf children in a mainstream school in the country. Having taken a Certificate of Education for teaching the deaf at the University of Hertfordshire, she has particular interest in her field. Profoundly deaf herself, she works with a small number of children on numeracy and literacy skills for a few hours a day. She has an advantage in working with deaf children because she can strongly empathize with the difficulties they face. In this film she talks about the need to communicate with them, to give them confidence and belief in themselves and her wish to provide a positive role model for them. Sarah talks about the added importance of having all children in mainstream classrooms relate to those with learning difficulties and disability. She considers the value for parents in working with a teacher like herself who has themselves overcome difficulties to achieve what she has achieved.

Video Series: Teacher Educators
Release Date 2010

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