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At Escuela Secundaria Industrial Tecnica No.105, headteacher Alfonso Tirso Arroyo is working hard to realise his vision of the different elements of the school community working together as a team. One of a small number of headteachers taking part in a pilot project to develop standards for school leaders, Alfonso has been inspired by the opportunity to meet and exchange ideas with UK headteachers. As a result, he has implemented a series of organisational strategies to first get teachers, pupils and parents used to collaborating in small groups. At No. 105, there are pupil monitors operating in the first grade welding class, groups of pupils who are trying to improve the school environment through recycling projects, and first grade teachers across all the subjects are now holding regular sessions to discuss issues relating to their cohort. Change is never easy, but gradually Alfonso is managing to transform relationships and his own role as headteacher.

Video Series: School Leadership
Release Date 2009

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