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  • 주제분류
    인문과학 >인문과학기타 >철학
  • 강의학기
    2019년 2학기
  • 조회수
In this course, we will survey ancient western philosophy. We will mainly discuss Plato and Aristotle, but also discuss a few selected pre-socratic philosophers and some major Hellenistic philosophical contributions. In the former half, I will focus on metaphysics and natural philosophy; in the latter, on ethics and political philosophy. It is my hope that, throughout this course, students will gain philosophical illumination through a close and careful reading and analysis of the great works of the ancient western philosophers and in doing so come to realize that in many respects the ideas and claims of these ancient western philosophers are not antiquated but living issues of today.

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 01. What_is_philosophy(1) About what is philosophy and genereal introduction to ancient philosophy. Specifically about why is it so difficult to define philosophy. URL
2. 비디오 01. What_is_philosophy(2) About what are philosophical questions. Specifically about what are questions that only philosophers ask. URL
3. 비디오 02. Myth_and_philosophy-Milesians(1) Explain beginning of philosophy, myth in contrast of philosophy. URL
4. 비디오 02. Myth_and_philosophy-Milesians(2) About Thales, the first philosoper. Specifically, what Thales have done and what makes him a philosopher. URL
5. 비디오 02. Myth_and_philosophy-Milesians(3) About Anaximander, a Milesian philosopher. URL
6. 비디오 03. Heraclitus_and_Parmenides(1) About the philosopher Heraclitus and his radical criticism of the very foundation of Milesian philosophy. Also, again what is philosophy and boundaries to philosophical thinking. URL
7. 비디오 03. Heraclitus_and_Parmenides(2) About the philosopher Parmenides. URL
8. 비디오 04. Sophists_and_Socrates(1) About Sophists, especially about Democracy - importance of rhetoric - and Relativism. URL
9. 비디오 04. Sophists_and_Socrates(2) About Phylosopical doctrine of Sophists. URL
10. 비디오 04. Sophists_and_Socrates(3) About Socrates especially about Socratic ignorance and comparance with Sophists. URL
11. 비디오 05. Plato’s theory of forms(1) About Platos's life and his dialogues. URL
12. 비디오 05. Plato’s theory of forms(2) About Plato's theory of forms. URL
13. 비디오 05. Plato’s theory of forms(3) About Plato's theory of forms especially about form of the good. URL
14. 비디오 05. Plato’s theory of forms(4) About Plato's second analogy. URL
15. 비디오 07. Aristotle's natural philosophy(1) About Aristotle's natural philosophy especially about how Aristotle Solved the problem of being and becoming, Aristotle's analysis of change, his form, matter, and subject. URL
비디오 07. Aristotle's natural philosophy(2) About Aristotle's doctrine of four causes URL
비디오 08. Aristotle's metaphysics(1) About Aristotle's metaphysics URL
비디오 08. Aristotle's metaphysics(2) About Aristotle's criticism of Plato's theory of form URL
비디오 08. Aristotle's metaphysics(3) About Aristotle's definition of metaphysics and how he dealt with the question whether metaphysics is possible. URL
비디오 08. Aristotle's metaphysics(4) About Aristotle's treatment of the principle of non-contradiction. URL
비디오 09. Plato's ethics political philosophy(1)_(보충1) About Platos's fundamental question about ethic "why be moral?" URL
비디오 09. Plato's ethics political philosophy(2) About Plato's ethics and political philosophy in Republic especially why he makes such claims, and how to differentiate ethics and political philosophy. URL
비디오 09. Plato's ethics political philosophy(3) About Plato's controversial political claims. URL
비디오 09. Plato's ethics political philosophy(4) About Plato's claim that poets should be baniched from the ideal city. URL
비디오 09. Plato's ethics political philosophy(5) About Plato's critiques of poets. URL
비디오 09. Plato's ethics political philosophy(6)_(보충2) About Plato's view of democracy. URL
비디오 09. Plato's ethics political philosophy(7)_(보충2) About Plato's view of democracy especially about degeneration of regimes. URL
비디오 11. Aristotle ethics(1) About Aristotle's ethics in Nicomachean Ethics. URL
비디오 11. Aristotle ethics(2) About Aristotle's ethics in Nicomachean Ethics especially about happiness. URL
비디오 11. Aristotle ethics(3) About Aristotle's ethics especially about relationship betweem happoness and friendship URL
비디오 12. Epicurean_ethics(1) About Epicurean ethics especially about Hellenistics age and hellenistic philosophy, Epicurean ethics, Epicurean understanding of god and death, desire, pleasure. URL
비디오 12. Epicurean_ethics(2) About Epicurean ethics especially about third kind of desire and epicrurus on pain. URL
비디오 13. Stoic ethics(1) About Stoic ethics especially about Oikeiosis, reasons as the commanding faculty of human being, goods and indiggerenents. URL
비디오 13. Stoic ethics(2) About Stoic ethics especially about Oikeiosis and how they understood human development. URL
비디오 13. Stoic ethics(3) About how Stoic ethics distinguish good from indifferent. URL

연관 자료


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