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  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >사회과학기타 >외교학
  • 강의학기
    2023년 2학기
  • 조회수
“US Foreign Policy” is an introduction to the study of the majthemes and issues funderstanding contemporary US foreign policy. It begins with the historical context. It introduces different theoretical perspectives fanalyzing the US foreign policy-making process. It then focuses on the role of the US Presidency in the US foreign policy making process. It then focuses on the role of Congress. The role of the US foreign policy bureaucracy is another theme. It focuses the relationship of US public opinion to US foreign policy. It includes a study of the media on US foreign policy. It highlights relationship of social movements and interest groups to US foreign policy. It concludes with a final focus again on US national security and defense policy. It also includes US economic statecraft in international relations. It conclude with a focus on US foreign policy and transnational global policy issues.
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction The political psychology of international relations URL
비디오 The First World War The Cold War URL
2. 비디오 The rise of US power A hstorical introduction to the rise of the US to great power status URL
비디오 The First World War Wilsonian liberalism URL
3. 비디오 The Dynamics of Deision-Making I Stereotyping URL
비디오 The Dynamics of Decision-Making II Stereotyping URL
4. 비디오 Presidential Power I The Rise of the Imperial Presidency URL
비디오 Presidential Power II The Rise of the Imperial Presidency URL
5. 비디오 Congress beyond the Water's Edge I The role of lobbying in the US foreign policy process URL
비디오 Congress beyond the Water's Edge II The role of lobbying in the US foreign policy process URL
6. 비디오 The Foreign Policy Bureaucracy I The role of the government bureaucracy in the US foreign policy process. URL
비디오 The Foreign Policy Bureaucracy II The role of the government bureaucracy in the US foreign policy process. URL
7. 비디오 Public Opinion at Home and Abroad I Public opinion as a constraining and empowering factor in US foreign policy. URL
비디오 Public Opinion at Home and Abroad II Public opinion as a constraining and empowering factor in US foreign policy. URL
8. 비디오 The impact of Mass Communications I Media incentives and framing of foreign policy issues URL
비디오 The impact of Mass Communications II Media incentives and framing of foreign policy issues URL
9. 비디오 Social Movements and Interest Groups I US societal value evolution and interest group mobilization's impact on US foreign policy. URL
비디오 Social Movements and Interest Groups II US societal value evolution and interest group mobilization's impact on US foreign policy. URL
10. 비디오 National Security and Defense Policy I The US and the Russo-Ukraine War URL
비디오 National Security and Defense Policy II The US and the Middle East URL
11. 비디오 Economic Statecraft I The US and the Rise of China URL
비디오 Economic Statecraft II The US and the Rise of China URL
12. 비디오 Transnational Policy Problems I US Foreign Policy and Human Rights URL
비디오 Transnational Policy Problems II US Foreign Policy and Human Rights URL

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