
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    자연과학 >수학ㆍ물리ㆍ천문ㆍ지리 >수학
  • 강의학기
    2010년 2학기
  • 조회수
Ordinary differential equations: first-order linear equations, separable equations, exact equations, second-order linear equations, systems of first-order linear equations, systems of nonlinear equations, modeling and applications such as competing species and predator prey systems.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Introduction to the differential equations Introduction to the differential equations URL
2. 문서 Introduction to systems of first order linear equations Introduction to systems of first order linear equations URL
3. 문서 Second order linear equations Second order linear equations URL
4. 문서 Solution for systems of first order linear equations Solution for systems of first order linear equations URL
5. 문서 Systems of first order linear equations : Eigenvalues and eigenvectors Systems of first order linear equations : Eigenvalues and eigenvectors URL
6. 문서 Direction fields and trajectories Direction fields and trajectories URL
7. 문서 The general solution with complex eigenvalues The general solution with complex eigenvalues URL
8. 문서 Solutions with eigenvalues Midterm Exam Solutions with eigenvalues Midterm Exam URL
9. 문서 The Phase plane of the linear systems The Phase plane of the linear systems URL
10. 문서 Autonomous systems and stability Autonomous systems and stability URL
11. 문서 Linearlized systems Linearlized systems URL
12. 문서 Competing species Competing species URL
13. 문서 Population equations Population equations URL
14. 문서 Predator prey systems Predator prey systems URL
15. 문서 General predator prey systems General predator prey systems URL
문서 Numerical approximation, Final Exam Numerical approximation, Final Exam URL

연관 자료


사용자 의견

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