
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    공학 >정밀ㆍ에너지 >원자력공학
  • 강의학기
    2011년 1학기
  • 조회수
This course will cover an introduction to nuclear power plants, interaction of radiation with matter, neutron cross sections, diffusion theory, criticality calculations, reactor kinetics, neutron slowing down theory, heat transport and temperature distribution in reactor core, and reactivity feedback.
Introduction to Nuclear Power Plants
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction to Nuclear Power Plants Introducing fundamentals of nuclear reactor phyiscs & engineering (4.26) URL
4. 비디오 Two-body collision mechanics Inducing the relations between Lab frame & CM (5.2) URL
6. 비디오 Differential cross section, neutron number density Explainations on differential, integral cross section, and scattering krnel (5.6) URL
7. 비디오 Angular neutron flux, scalar flux, net current, partial current Interpreting definitions of neutron flux and current (5.9) URL
8. 비디오 Reaction rate, effective cross sections Interpreting means of reaction rate & effective cross section (5.11) URL
9. 비디오 Numerical integration for Prob. 2.1, 4-factor formula, diffusion equation 1. Inducing the flux for neutrons obeying the Maxwell-Boltxman distribution 2. Introducing the neutron diffusion equation. (5.13) URL
11. 비디오 Diffusion coefficient, mean cosine scattering angle, 1-group diff. equation 1. providing an interpretation of the diffusion coefficient for the current. 2. Discussing limitations and applicability of diffusion theory. 3. Derivation of the one-group diffusion equation.(5.18) URL
12. 비디오 Boundary conditions for diffusion equation, plane source problem 1. disscusion of the boundary conditions necessary for the solution of Eq. 4.1. 2. providing source conditons for solutions of the steady-state diffusion equation (5.20) URL
13. 비디오 Review on neutron flux, mean square distance, finite slab problem providing solutions of the steady-state diffusion equation according to each source type (5.23) URL
14. 비디오 Neutron albedo providing the solution of the steady-state diffusion equation incase of two slabs of finite thickness (5.3) URL
15. 비디오 P.S. #3, distributed source problem, kernel technique providing the solution fo the diffusion equation with distributed sources (6.1) URL
16. 비디오 P.S. #3, multiplying medium, geometric and material buckling introducing the concept of material and geometric bucklings together with the one-group form of the effective mutiplication factor (6.3) URL

연관 자료


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