
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >경영학
  • 강의학기
    2022년 2학기
  • 조회수
This course is a comprehensive introductory study and analysis of the management process from a general manager’s perspective. It covers the following topics, among others: the concepts of strategic and tactical organizational planning; organizational design and structure to achieve company objectives; goal setting; leadership skills; employee motivational approaches; conflict management; interpersonal communication; the staffing and supervising processes; performance appraisal; managing groups and teams; management development and employee training; positive employer-employee relations; managing in a global environment; employee due process mechanisms in the nonfirm; noncomplaint and grievance procedures; management ethics; and the concepts of controlling and control systems. The emphasis of the course is on the skills and knowledge needed to successfully manage an organization, especially implications fthose newly promoted to supervisory and managerial positions within private public sectorganizations.
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차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Orientation Course Description, Introduction of Course Structure URL
비디오 Managing Today (1) 1.1 Tell who managers are and where they work. 1.2 Define management. 1.3 Describe what managers do. URL
비디오 Managing Today (2) 1.4 Explain why it’s important to study management. 1.5 Describe the factors that are reshaping and redefining management. 1.6 Describe the key employability skills gained from studying management that are applicable to your future career, regardless of your major. 1.7 History of Management URL
비디오 The Management Environment (1) 4.1 Explain what the external environment is and why it’s important. 4.2 Discuss how the external environment affects managers. 4.3 Define organizational culture and explain why it’s important. URL
2. 비디오 The Management Environment (2) 2.4 Describe how organizational culture affects managers. 2.5 Describe current issues in organizational culture. URL
비디오 Important Managerial Issues (1) 3.1 Explain globalization and its impact on organizations. 3.2 Describe what managers need to know about managing in global organizations. 3.3 Discuss how society’s expectations are influencing managers and organizations. 3.3 Discuss the factors that lead to ethical and unethical behavior in organizations. URL
비디오 Important Managerial Issues (2) 3.4 Discuss about different views on Ethics. URL
3. 비디오 The Manager as Decision Maker 2.2 Describe the types of decisions and decision-making conditions managers face. 2.3 Discuss group decision making. 2.4 Discuss contemporary issues in managerial decision making. URL
비디오 Planning and Goal Setting (1) 5.1 Discuss the nature and purposes of planning. 5.2 Explain what managers do in the strategic management process. URL
비디오 Planning and Goal Setting (2) 5.3 Compare and contrast approaches to goal setting and planning. 5.4 Discuss contemporary issues in planning. URL
4. 비디오 Managing Change and Innovation (1) 5.1 Define organizational change and compare and contrast views on the change process. 5.2 Explain how to manage resistance to change. URL
비디오 Managing Change and Innovation (2) 5.3 Describe what managers need to know about employee stress. 5.4 Discuss techniques for stimulating innovation. 5.5 Explain what disruptive innovation is and why managing it is important. URL
비디오 Managing Change and Innovation (3) 5.5 Explain what disruptive innovation is and why managing it is important. 5.6 Define entrepreneurship and explain why it’s important. URL
5. 비디오 Managing Change and Innovation (4) 5.7 Explain what entrepreneurs do in the planning process for new ventures. 5.8 Describe the six legal forms of organization and the choice of appropriate organizational structure. URL
비디오 Managing Change and Innovation (5) 5.9 Describe how entrepreneurs lead organizations. 5.10 Explain how entrepreneurs control organizations for growth, downturns, and exiting the venture. URL
비디오 Structuring and Designing Organizations 7.2 Identify the contingency factors that favor either the mechanistic model or the organic model of organizational design. 7.3 Compare and contrast traditional and contemporary organizational designs. 7.4 Discuss the design challenges faced by today’s organizations. URL
6. 비디오 Managing Human Resources and Diversity (1) 8.1 Describe the key components of the human resource management process and the important influences on that process. 8.2 Discuss the tasks associated with identifying and selecting competent employees. URL
비디오 Managing Human Resources and Diversity (2) 8.3 Explain how employees are provided with needed skills and knowledge. 8.4 Describe strategies for retaining competent, high-performing employees. 8.5 Discuss contemporary issues in managing human resources. 8.6 Explain what workforce diversity and inclusion are and how they affect the HRM process. URL
비디오 Managing Human Resources and Diversity (3) 8.7 Understanding the professionalism. URL
7. 비디오 Managing Work Groups and Work Teams (1) 9.1 Define group and describe the stages of group development. 9.2 Describe the major concepts of group behavior. URL
비디오 Managing Work Groups and Work Teams (2) 9.3 Discuss how groups are turned into effective teams. 9.4 Discuss contemporary issues in managing teams. URL
비디오 Understanding Individual Behavior (1) 10.1 Identify the focus and goals of organizational behavior (OB). 10.2 Explain the role that attitudes play in job performance. 10.3 Describe different personality theories. URL
8. 비디오 Understanding Individual Behavior (2) 10.4 Describe perception and the factors that influence it. 10.5 Discuss learning theories and their relevance in shaping behavior. 10.6 Discuss contemporary issues in OB. URL
비디오 Motivating and Rewarding Employees (1) 11.1 Define and explain motivation. 11.2 Compare and contrast early theories of motivation. 11.3 Compare and contrast contemporary theories of motivation. URL
비디오 Motivating and Rewarding Employees (2) 11.2 Compare and contrast early theories of motivation. 11.3 Compare and contrast contemporary theories of motivation. 11.4 Discuss current issues in motivating employees. URL
9. 비디오 Leadership and Trust (1) 12.1 Define leader and leadership. 12.2 Compare and contrast early leadership theories. 12.3 Describe the four major contingency leadership theories. URL
비디오 Leadership and Trust (2) 12.3 Describe the four major contingency leadership theories. 12.4 Describe modern views of leadership and the issues facing today’s leaders. 12.5 Discuss trust as the essence of leadership. URL
비디오 Managing Organizational and Interpersonal Communication (1) 13.1 Describe what managers need to know about communicating effectively. URL
10. 비디오 Managing Organizational and Interpersonal Communication (2) 13.2 Explain how technology affects managerial communication. 13.3 Discuss contemporary issues in communication. URL
비디오 Controlling Work and Organizational Process (1) 14.1 Explain the nature and importance of control. 14.2 Describe the three steps in the control process. URL
비디오 Controlling Work and Organizational Process (2) 14.3 Discuss the types of controls organizations and managers use. 14.4 Discuss contemporary issues in control. URL
11. 비디오 Controlling Work and Organizational Process (3) Operations system URL
비디오 Controlling Work and Organizational Process (4) value chain management URL
비디오 Marketing (1) definition of marketing URL
12. 비디오 Marketing (2) Understanding the Marketplace and Customer Needs URL
비디오 Marketing (3) The Brand Equity concept URL
비디오 Marketing (4) service marketing URL
13. 비디오 Review (1) Review the semester! URL
비디오 Review (1) Review the semester! URL
비디오 Review (2) Review the semester! URL

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