
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >경영ㆍ경제 >경영학
  • 강의학기
    2015년 2학기
  • 조회수
기업이 지향하여야 할 경영활동의 목표를 기업가치의 극대화에 두고 이를 달성하기 위한 투자결정기능, 자금조달기능, 배당결정기능을 합리적으로 수행하는 데 필요한 이론과 기법을 배운다.

차시별 강의

1. 오디오 Introduction to Corporate Finance Corporate Finance and CFO, Forms of Business Organization, The Goal of Financial Management, The Agency Problem and Control of the Firm, Financial Markets and the Corporation URL
2. 오디오 Financial Statements and Cash Flow The Balance Sheet, The Income Statement, Taxes, Cash Flow URL
3. 오디오 Working with Financial Statements Standardized Financial Statements, Ratio Analysis, Dupont Identity URL
4. 오디오 Long-term Financing Planning and Growth Financial Planning Models, The Percentage of Sales Approach, External Financing Needed and Growth URL
5. 오디오 The Time Value of Money, Discounted Cash Flow Valuation Future Value and Compounding, Present Value and Discounting, Multiple Cash Flows, Annuities URL
6. 오디오 Bond Valuation Bond Features, Bond Valuation, Fisher Effect URL
7. 오디오 Stock Valuation and 1st Review Session Common Stocks Valuation, Preferred Stock Valuation Ist Review Session for Midterm Exam URL
8. 오디오 Net Present Value and Other Investment Criteria Net Present Value, The Payback Rule, Internal Rate of Return, Profitability Index URL
9. 오디오 Making Capital Investment Decisions and Evaluation Project Cash Flow, Depreciation, Operating Cash Flow URL
10. 오디오 Return, RIsk and the Security Market Line Diversification Effect, Systematic Risk, Unsystematic Risk, SML URL
11. 오디오 Cost of Capital The Cost of Equity, The Cost of Debt, Weighted Average Cost of Capital(WACC) URL
12. 오디오 Financial Leverage and Capital Structure Policy The Effect of Financial Leverage, Static Theory of Capital Structure, Pecking Order Theory URL
13. 오디오 Dividend Policy Theory, Real World Practice, Stock Repurchase URL

연관 자료


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