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  • 주제분류
    인문과학 >언어ㆍ문학 >영어영문학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 2학기
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미국연극의 발아기인 18세기부터 현대까지의 흐름을 개관하고 그 대표작을 문화적 배경과 연결시켜서

강독하며 작품의 영상화 과정에도 주목한다.

차시별 강의

1. 문서 Introduction to the Course Introduction to the American Drama ntroduction to the course in general such as evaluation, assignments and textbooks? The historical development of the American Drama since the colonial period to the present URL
오디오 Introduction to the Course Intro ntroduction to the course in general such as evaluation, assignments and textbooks? The historical development of the American Drama since the colonial period to the present URL
2. 문서 Arthur Miller The literary world of Arthur Miller. His ideas of theater. Miller's essay, "The Tragedy and the Common Man." Death of a Salesman Act 1: general introduction (theme, character, setting etc.) URL
오디오 Arthur Miller The literary world of Arthur Miller. His ideas of theater. Millers essay, "The Tragedy and the Common Man." Death of a Salesman Act 1: general introduction (theme, character, setting etc.) URL
3. 문서 Death of a Salesman Act 1 Death of a Salesman Act 1 The themes to consider: the individual vs. society; the value of Willy Loman; the reality vs. fantasy; the present vs. past; the family issue(Linda, Biff, Happy) URL
4. 문서 Death of a Salesman Act 1 Death of a Salesman Act 2: Who or what is responsible for Willy's fall? His value? society? capitalism? social system? his family? URL
5. 문서 Death of a Salesman Act 1; Requiem Death of a Salesman Act 2“ Requiem. What's wrong with Linda and Happy? Is Willy a tragic figure? Is there hope in the play? URL
6. 문서 Death of a Salesman Review: American dream, industrialization, urbanization, the value of the Normans, the universal appeal, family drama. URL
7. 문서 A Streetcar Named Desire Scene 1-3 The literary world of Tennessee Williams: the general introduction (theme, character, setting, symbols etc.) A Streetcar Named Desire Scene 1-3. The themes to consider: the conflicts between Old South and New South; South and North; a man and a woman; reality and fantasy. The character analysis: Stanley, Stella, Blanche, Mitch URL
8. 문서 A Streetcar Named Desire Scene 4-7 A Streetcar Named Desire Scene 4-7: symbols, language, values. Do you sympathize with Blanche? or Stanley? What is Blanche's major problem? URL
9. 문서 A Streetcar Named Desire Scene 8-11 A Streetcar Named Desire Scene 8-11: Who is responsible for the fall of Blanche? How shall we interpret the ending? How do you think of Stella's choice in the end? URL
10. 문서 M. Butterly : The Literary World of David Hwang The general introduction (theme, character, setting); the historical, cultural backgrounds of the play. Comparison to Puccinni's Madame Butterfly. M. Butterly Act 1 URL
11. 문서 M. Butterly Act 1 M. Butterly Act 1: East vs. West, man vs. woman, reality vs. fantasy. Is Gallimard's misunderstanding of Song just a problem of one man? or does the play dramatize the general phenomenon of the western world? URL
12. 문서 M. Butterly Act 2 M. Butterly Act 2: from an individual to the global issues such as the Vietnam war. The other historical incidents to consider: the Chinese cultural revolution, the student revolution in France URL

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