
모두를 위한 열린 강좌 KOCW


  • 주제분류
    인문과학 >언어ㆍ문학 >영어영문학
  • 강의학기
    2012년 1학기
  • 조회수
  • 평점
    0/5.0 (2)
In this course, we will seek to understand the functional relationships that influence and control grammatical choices at all levels of structure, from sentences and larger units of discourse to clauses, phrases, and within words themselves. We will also seek to understand how to present these functional relationships to ESL / EFL students who are studying communicative English. The focus will be on understanding the functional and perceptual relationships to English grammar, and applying that knowledge in an acquisition-based learning environment in the language classroom.

This course explores the cognitive and perceptive processes that control and mediate the natural spontaneous usage of English. We will build on traditional structural grammar approaches by focusing on perceptual recognition and cognitive application of clearly defined patterns of English usage and discourse. Through an understanding of cognitive constraints such as perceptive categoricals and manipulations, the student can expect to develop a functional understanding of complex English usage, including article usage and distribution, agglutinative constructions, topicality and the negotiation of semantic ambiguity.

Through a category-based approach rooted in grammatical themes, we will identify specific techniques, procedures and strategies for teaching context-based grammar through recognition-based activities.
Introduction, Chapter 1, building a strong foundation, structure, function and meaning, mental images and definitions, grammatical categorization – practice and reality
  • 이전차시
  • 다음차시

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Introduction, Chapter 1, building a strong foundation, structure, function and meaning, mental images and definitions, grammatical categorization – practice and reality Introduction, Chapter 1, building a strong foundation, structure, function and meaning, mental images and definitions, grammatical categorization – practice and reality URL
2. 비디오 Chapter 2, The Subject-verb relationship, the English subject, subject dominance, functional roles of the subject, topicality Chapter 2, The Subject-verb relationship, the English subject, subject dominance, functional roles of the subject, topicality URL
3. 비디오 Chapter 2, The Subject-verb relationship, verb functions and related sentence types, pronouns, topicality, intransitive, intensives and transitive sentences Chapter 2, The Subject-verb relationship, verb functions and related sentence types, pronouns, topicality, intransitive, intensives and transitive sentences URL
4. 비디오 Chapter 2, Sentence types, ditransitives, complex transitives. Chapter 3, Semantic roles, convention, context, ambiguity; morphological roles Chapter 2, Sentence types, ditransitives, complex transitives. Chapter 3, Semantic roles, convention, context, ambiguity; morphological roles URL
5. 비디오 Chapter 3, Semantic and morphological roles, morpheme classes, lexical units and structures, combining and distinguishing morphemes Chapter 3, Semantic and morphological roles, morpheme classes, lexical units and structures, combining and distinguishing morphemes URL
6. 비디오 Chapter 4, Determiners and their relationship to the noun phrase, building a functional foundation for articles and determiners, articles and their forms of reference Chapter 4, Determiners and their relationship to the noun phrase, building a functional foundation for articles and determiners, articles and their forms of reference URL
7. 비디오 Chapter 4, Determiners and Their Relationship to the Noun Phrase, other determiners, demonstratives, quantifiers, possessives, interrogatives, indefinites, pre and post-determiners Chapter 4, Determiners and Their Relationship to the Noun Phrase, other determiners, demonstratives, quantifiers, possessives, interrogatives, indefinites, pre and post-determiners URL
8. 비디오 Chapter 5, Categorical Relationships to the Noun and Noun Phrase, semantic categoricals, functional distribution of articles for proper nouns and proper noun phrases Chapter 5, Categorical Relationships to the Noun and Noun Phrase, semantic categoricals, functional distribution of articles for proper nouns and proper noun phrases URL
9. 비디오 Chapter 5, Categorical Relationships to the Noun and Noun Phrase, functional distribution of articles for proper nouns and proper noun phrases, functional distribution of articles for regular nouns Chapter 5, Categorical Relationships to the Noun and Noun Phrase, functional distribution of articles for proper nouns and proper noun phrases, functional distribution of articles for regular nouns URL
10. 비디오 Chapter 5, Categorical Relationships to the Noun and Noun Phrase, functional distribution of articles for proper nouns and proper noun phrases, functional distribution of articles for regular nouns, article recognition and perceptive association workshop Chapter 5, Categorical Relationships to the Noun and Noun Phrase, functional distribution of articles for proper nouns and proper noun phrases, functional distribution of articles for regular nouns, article recognition and perceptive association workshop URL
11. 비디오 Chapter 6, Verbs and Verbals, tenses, function of auxiliaries, conjugations, gerunds, infinitives, phrasal verbs Chapter 6, Verbs and Verbals, tenses, function of auxiliaries, conjugations, gerunds, infinitives, phrasal verbs URL
12. 비디오 Verbs and Verbals, tenses, conjugations, function of auxiliaries, modality and modal auxiliaries Verbs and Verbals, tenses, conjugations, function of auxiliaries, modality and modal auxiliaries URL
13. 비디오 Chapter 6, Verbs and Verbals, tenses, function of auxiliaries, modality and modal auxiliaries, causative verbs, aspect, verbals, gerunds, infinitives, participles, phrasal verbs Chapter 6, Verbs and Verbals, tenses, function of auxiliaries, modality and modal auxiliaries, causative verbs, aspect, verbals, gerunds, infinitives, participles, phrasal verbs URL
14. 비디오 Chapter 7, Functions of Prepositional Phrases, obligatory and optional roles of prepositions, , internal and external roles of modification, grammatical functions of prepositions, the prepositional phrase as a constituent in a clausal subject Chapter 7, Functions of Prepositional Phrases, obligatory and optional roles of prepositions, , internal and external roles of modification, grammatical functions of prepositions, the prepositional phrase as a constituent in a clausal subject URL

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