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  • 주제분류
    사회과학 >사회과학기타 >사회복지학
  • 강의학기
    2016년 2학기
  • 조회수
In this class we study the theories, effects, and practices of welfare programs and social insurance mainly from a labor economist`s point of view. We pay special attention to the policies of Korea, while we also learn practices in other countries, and discuss them critically based on economic theories. We also study the roles of the government and the market in tackling the social problems and the other socioeconomic issues such as income inequality, discrimination and gender in the labor market.

차시별 강의

1. 비디오 Market & Government 1 Cases for government interventions in market economy URL
2. 비디오 Market & Government 2 1. Cases for government interventions in market economy 2. Problems with government URL
3. 비디오 Review of labor market theory 1 Work-leisure choice model of labor supply URL
4. 비디오 Review of labor market theory 2 1. Work-leisure choice model of labor supply 2. Labor demand URL
비디오 Review of labor market theory 3 1. Labor demand 2. Market equilibrium URL
5. 비디오 Welfare programs and labor supply 1 1. Welfare program in Korea 2. Theoetical analysis of welfare programs URL
비디오 Welfare programs and labor supply 2 1. Theoetical analysis of welfare programs URL
6. 비디오 Welfare programs and labor supply 3 EITC & Minimum wage 1 1. Effect of welfare on human capital investment 2. Empirical evidence 3. EITC in Korea 4. Effects of EITC on labor supply 5. Minimum wage of Korea URL
비디오 EITC & Minimum wage 2 Economic effects of minimum wage URL
7. 비디오 EITC & Minimum wage 3; income inequality and intergenerational mobility 1 1. Economic effects of minimum wage 2. Earnings distribution 3. Measures of inequality URL
비디오 Income inequality and intergenerational mobility 2 1. Trend of income inequality 2. Explanations of rising income inequality URL
8. 비디오 Income inequality and intergenerational mobility 3 1. Biased technological progress 2. Other explanations URL
비디오 Income inequality and intergenerational mobility 4 1. Some facts of intergenerational income mobility 2. Model of intergenerational mobility 3. Measuring the degree of intergenerational income mobility URL
9. 비디오 Income inequality and intergenerational mobility 5; Basic theory of insurance 1 1. Measuring the degree of intergeneratioal income mobility 2. Measures of intergenerational mobility 3. Expected utility 4. Insurance market URL
비디오 Basic theory of insurance 2 Insurance market failure URL
10. 비디오 Basic theory of insurance 3; Unemployment insurance and labor market 1 1. Cases for social insurance 2. Social insurance system of Korea 3. Unemployment insurance of Korea URL
비디오 Unemployment insurance and labor market 2 1. Unemployment insurance of Korea 2. Job search model 3. Effects of unemployment insurance URL
11. 비디오 Unemployment insurance and labor market 3; Industrial accident compensation insurance (IACI) 1 1. Effects of unemployment insurance 2. IACI of Korea 3. Effects of IACI URL
12. 비디오 Health insurance 1 1. Korea's National Health Insurance system 2. Moral hazard issue of health insurance URL
13. 비디오 Old-age insurance 2 1. National Pension of Korea 2. Public pension and private savings URL
비디오 Old-age insurance 3 1. Public pension and private savings 2. Public pension and upstream transfer URL
14. 비디오 Old-age insurance 4 Gender issues in labor market 1 1. Public pension and upstream transfer 2. Effects of public pension 3. Gender inequality in Korea URL
비디오 Gender issues in labor market 2 Gender difference in labor supply URL
비디오 Gender issues in labor market 3 Gender difference in occupation and earnings URL
15. 비디오 Q&A session Q&A URL

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